




  在我难过时你那一声声的安慰;忘不了,在我快乐时你送来的祝福;忘不了,我们一起乘风破浪时的背影。不知不觉之中,我发现了你是我最好的朋友。有什么快乐我第一个想与他分享的人--总是你. 我总是说:你的女朋友多,每说到这,你都生气。其实这是对你的嫉妒--为啥你有那么多的朋友,我没有...

  而今天,你对我说话,少了一份热情,多了一分冷漠;你的快乐不再向我分享;qq聊天你不搭理我... 或许一切因我而起,我从来不重视你的友情!放学,你好心等我,我只有冷冷的一句:‘你等不等我无所谓’还有...我错了 ,对不起 。今天我才发现我最好的朋友是你。你在qq好友之中把我删除,我才发现我要失去这份友情... 愿时光载着我们回到开学那天,重新找到这份友情.....

  原谅我 -


  Dear Jia Li,

  Where do I even begin?I suppose say "I'm sorry" is a start.

  I'm sorry.Looking back,I can't believe that I said something bad about you to Li Liu.But I suppose hindsight is always 20/20.It was stupid and I wasn't the friend that you expected me to be.Even if I explain my actions,it still doesn't justify that I did some pretty hurtful things.

  I hope you can forgive me for what I did and put this matter behind us.I treasure our friendship and all the things we've done and been through.And hopefully,what transpired can become one of those incidents that make our bond stronger than ever.

  If you have anything on your mind regarding this,please feel free to share it.I promise to listen before I speak.It's the least I could do if you're willing to forgive me.You know how to contact me.I hope you do.

  I sincerely invite you to go to the concert,the time and place set for October 25th,I wait for you here

  Your friend,
