

  □ 乙方享有无偿使用权;Party B can exploit patent for free.

  □ 乙方享有有偿使用权,须选择如下方式向甲方支付使用费用:Party B can have non-free right of exploitation of the patent conditionally and shall pay the licensing fee to Party A in below ways :

  □ 支付甲方的许可使用费为:每项发明专利 美元;每项实用新型专利 美元;共 项专利;共计专利费 美元。The licensing fee paid to Party A is as below: invention patent $ ; utility model patent $ ; design patent $ ; Total patents quantity: . Total licensing fee:

  □ 乙方在两年内 区域内独占销售专利产品数量为 万台(不论最终是否达到此销售数量)应向甲方支付每台 美元的专利使用费。超过此数量的,超出部分按照每台 美元向甲方支付专利使用费。

  The number of the patented products sold in the by Party B is___ units within two years (Regardless of whether it reaches this sales volume),Party B shall pay the licensing fee $___of each product to Party A. The sales number exceeds this sales volume, Party B shall pay the licensing fee $___of each product to Party A.


  The number of patented products sold by Party B can not meet the above criteria within two years, unconditionally patent rights shall be withdrawn from Party B by Party A, And patent fee paid by Party B to Party A shall not be refundable.


  Party B can have a non-free right of exploitation of the patent conditionally and shall pay the licensing fee to Party A in below ways:


  After the application is approved and the patent right is granted to Party B

  □ 甲方不享有使用权等任何权利;Party A is not allowed to have any patent right including the right of exploitation of the patent.

  □ 甲方享有优先使用权;Party A has the priority right of exploitation of the patent.

  □ 甲方享有无偿使用权;Party A has a free right of exploitation of the patent.

  □ 甲方享有有偿使用权,支付给乙方的许可使用费为:每项发明专利 美元;每项实用新型专利 美元;共 项专利;共计专利费 美元。

  Party A can have a non-free right of exploitation of the patent conditionally, the licensing fee paid to Party B is as below: invention patent $ ; utility model patent $ ; design patent ; Total patents quantity: . Total licensing fee


  Party A can have a non-free right of exploitation of the patent conditionally and shall pay the licensing fee to Party B in below ways:


  The third party can only obtain the non-free patent right conditionally if the patent right is jointly owned by both Party A and Party B. The conditions are as below:

  □ 甲乙双方同意;Approved by both parties

  □ 乙方同意;Approved by Party B

  □ 甲方同意;Approved by Party A

  □ 在甲乙方获得专利权后的两年内,任一方未实施专利。

  Neither Party A nor Party B has implemented patent two years after granted patent right.


  If the third party obtain the right of patent licence ,both Party A and Party B shall sign the patent licensing contract with the third party and the contract should be reported to the related official departments for record. Otherwise, the patent license right will be invalid.


  The method of payment of the licensing fee shall be specified in the contract signed by three parties and be implemented by the third party who has the non-free right of exploitation of patent.

  四、违约责任 Responsibility of breaching the agreement


  The party who breaches any clauses of this agreement shall reimburse $500,000 to the counter party as compensation. If the compensation can not recoup the loss, Defaulting party shall bear the responsibility to compensate the direct & indirect loss, including, without limitation, lost margin, market share, reputation and cost for redevelop the market etc.

  4.2 在专利合法有效存续期间,专利被他人侵权或者被认定为最终无效的,由此造成他方损失,由专利权人承担。

  During the validation period of the patent, the loss caused to other parties shall be borne by patentee if the patent has been infringed or been identified as the ultimate invalid.


  If the patent has been infringed or been identified as the ultimate invalid. 50% of the total loss caused to other parties should be borne by both patentees respectively who jointly owned the patent

  4.3 一方违约的,另一方有权立即解除本协议,并同时解除主合同,依法追究违约方责任。

  If one party breaches the agreement, the counter party has the right to terminate this agreement and the main contract immediately. Additionally, the responsibility of the defaulting party shall be prosecuted

  五、其他约定 Other provisions

  5.1 本协议与主合同有效期限一致。本协议失效、终止或解除后,双方应承担的专利保护义务,并不解除,仍然有效。

  This agreement is with the same validation period of the main contract. The obligation of patent protection borne by both parties shall survive notwithstanding this agreement has been terminated or rescinded.

  5.2 本协议未尽事宜双方可另行协商签订补充协议,新签订的协议与本协议冲突的,以新协议内容为准。因履行本协议发生的争议无法协商一致的,提交甲方所在地法院处理,并适用中国法律。
