

  2.3 符合以下情形的,专利申请权和专利权归甲乙双方共享,未经甲乙双方同意,第三方不得享有专利申请权、专利权,不得使用该专利技术或者销售该专利技术产品。

  The patent application right & patent right shall be owned by both parties in the following conditions and the third party is not allowed to share the patent application right & patent right and can not exploit this patent technology or sale the patent product without consent of both parties.


  Party B provides draft which has been basically novel, creative and practicable, Party A modifies the draft and makes it better, in addition, Party A completed the technical carrier such as drawings or prototype etc.


  Party B provides 3D design drawing which has been basically novel, creative and practicable. Party A modifies and revises the draft, in addition, Party A completed the technical carrier such as drawings or prototype etc.


  After being granted with the patent application right according to 2.2, If Party B has not submitted the patent application to the related official departments two months after being reminded by Party A , it will be considered that Party B has given up the exclusive rights and shall share the patent application right and patent right with Party A.

  2.4 符合2.1、2.3情形的,乙方在完成以下一项或多项行为后,可以获得专利申请权和专利权:

  Party B can acquire the patent application right and patent right after meeting the following one term or several terms in accordance with clause 2.1 & 2.3.

  乙方向甲方一次性支付专利费为 美元。

  Party B pays the patent fee $ to Party A in one-time payment of royalties

  单项专利买断:乙方支付给甲方的专利费为:每项发明专利 美元;

  每项实用新型专利 美元; 每项外观设计专利 美元。共计 项专利;专利费共计 美元。

  Single patent buyout: The patent fee paid to Party A is as below: invention patent $ ; utility model patent $ ; design patent $ ; Total patents quantity: Total patents fee: .

  单个产品摊销:乙方支付给甲方的专利费为:以乙方生产产品或授权许可他人生产、销售的产品数量为基数,向甲方支付每台 美元。

  Amortization for individual product: Base on the quantity of product manufactured by Party B or manufactured or sold by other parties, Party B shall pay $ each unit to Party A.

  乙方在专利产品化后的2年内,以各种方式销售的专利产品数量达到超过 万台;乙方支付给甲方的专利费为 美元。

  If the number of sales of patented products in various ways to reach more than units sold by Party B within 2 years after the patent product being produced, Party B shall pay the patent fee $ to Party A.

  乙方在专利产品化后的2年内,以各种方式销售的专利产品金额达到超过 美元;乙方支付给甲方的专利费为 美元。

  If the total amount of patented products sold by Party B in various ways to reach more than $

  within 2 years after the patent product being produced, Party B shall pay the patent fee $

  to Party A.


  Whoever does the ownership of the patent right belong to, the patentee shall be responsible for protecting the patent’s validity and legality and preventing it from being infringed. In addition, Incurred expenses shall be borne by the patentee during the protection of patent’s validity and legality. If the patent right is jointly owned by both parties, both parties shall bear 50% of the total expenses respectively.

  2.5 在专利申请权为甲乙方共有的情况下,第三方获得专利申请权并获得专利权的条件:

  In event of the joint ownership of right to apply a patent, the third party can acquire the patent application right & patent right by meeting the following requirements .

  □ 甲乙双方同意;Approved by both parties

  □ 乙方同意;Approved by Party B

  □ 甲方同意;Approved by Party A

  □ 在技术、方案等已具备申请专利的条件后的半年内,具有专利申请权的一方在另外一方的提醒下,无理由不办理申请或不协助对方办理申请的,致使专利权申请被搁置长达3个月。--在技术、方案等已具备申请专利的条件后的半年内,具有专利申请权的一方在另外一方的提醒下,无理由不办理申请或不协助对方办理申请的,致使专利权申请被搁置的连续期间长达3个月。

  □ With patent-pending technology programs within six months, one is reminded of the other party, no reason not to apply or not to assist each other in the process of applying for, resulting in the patent application is on hold for up to a continuous period of up to three months


  In the above cases, both Party A and Party B shall sign the patent application right assignment contract with the third party jointly and the third party should obtain the right to apply for patent after the assignment fee being paid correspondingly.

  三、专利使用权的特别约定:Special provisions of patent license right


  3.1 After the application is approved and the patent right is granted to Party A

  □ 乙方不享有使用权等任何权利;Party B is not allowed to have any patent rights including exploitation of the patent.

  □ 乙方享有优先使用权:专利申请日前已经制造相同产品、使用相同方法或者已经作好制造、使用的必要准备,并且仅在原有范围内继续制造、使用;Party B has the priority to make use of the patent: Where, before the date of filing of the application for patent, any person who has already made the identical product, used the identical process, or made necessary preparations for its making or using, continues to make or use it within the original scope only;
