

  由中东专委会发起筹备的:搭建“一带一路”四川商品中东采购联盟平台、构建“一带一路”四川商品海外仓、 筹建四川中东商务中心活动,原定于2015年10月28日召开,由于外商和驻华使领馆(还差六家)还没确定下来,根据“一带一路”、“万企出国门”精神和会议目的,及领导指示和中东专委会电话各方会议,本次会议延期召开,具体时间另行通知。





  The meeting for building “one belt one road” Middle East purchasing Sichuan commodities alliance platform, constructing "one belt one road" Sichuan commodities overseas warehouse, preparation of Sichuan - Middle East business center activities that are prepared by Sichuan professional Committee for Middle-East Market of CCOIC was scheduled to be held on 28 October 2015. Due to foreign customers and Embassy and consulate in China ( 6 countries didn’t confirm) didn’t confirm and according to the spirit of “one belt one road”, “Million enterprises to go abroad” and instruction of leadership, informing through telephone by Sichuan professional Committee for Middle-East Market of CCOIC, the meeting is decided to postponed. The exact meeting time will be informed in due time.

  Secretariat and Conference department of

  Sichuan professional Committee for Middle-East Market of CCOIC

  Oct 21st, 2015
