

  Unit 3 Travel urnal


  Fr ur wn traveling grup,discuss what u shuld d and what u shuld never d when traveling.


  n litteringprtect anials

  n feeding anials

  If u have re t sa,u can change the fr.


  1.Meng River—The Lifebld f Sutheast Asia

  The Meng River is the heart and sul f ainland Sutheast Asia.The 12th lngest river in the wrld,the Meng runs 4800 ileters fr its headwaters n the Tibetan Plateau(高原) thrugh unnan Prvince f China,Bura,Thailand,Cabdia,La PDR and Vietna.

  Over 60 illin peple depend n the Meng and its branches fr fd,water,transprt and an ther aspects f their dail lives.Its annual fld drught ccles are essential fr the sustainable prductin f rice and vegetables n the fldplains(洪泛区) and alng the riverbans during the dr seasn.nwn as the Mther f waters,the river supprts ne f the wrld’s st diverse(多种经营的)fisheries(渔场),secnd nl t the Aazn.This vital ecsste and lifebld f the regin is currentl under threat.Over the past ten ears,re than 100 large das have been prpsed fr the Meng basin b institutins lie the Asian Develpent Ban (ADB) and the Meng River Cissin.Se f these prects have alread been built.

  One f the greatest threats is China’s plans t cnstruct eight das n the Upper Meng Lancang.Tw f these das have alread been cpleted,and cnstructin n the third prect,Xiawan,began in anuar 2002.These das will have widespread ipacts n the livelihds f Meng cunities and n the natural eclg f the river sste.

  In Las,IRN is wring t stp Wrld Ban supprt fr the Da and ensure that cunities receive ust cpensatin fr lsses suffered due t the ADB-funded Na and Das.IRN is als nitring brader reginal water resurce develpents,particularl thse funded b the ADB.

  In Thailand,IRN has been wring with cunities affected b the Pa Mun and Rasi Salai das wh are capaigning fr the gates f bth das t be peranentl pened and fr the Mun River t be restred.

  IRN is als nitring the ipacts f the ali Falls Da in Vietna,which has affected cunities in bth Vietna and Cabdia.

  2.the Meng Delta

  The Meng Delta is the btt half f Vietna’s tw rice basets,the ther being the Red River Delta in the Nrth.

  This vast delta is fred b the depsitin f the ultiple tentacles and tributaries(支流) f the ight Meng River which has its rigin in the Tibetan highland plateau 2800 iles awa.Fr its surce,the river aes its wa thrugh China.

  Manar (Bura),Las,Cabdia and Suth Vietna befre flwing ut int the Suth China Sea.The Meng’s—the peple f Suth Vietna are ften ver prud f the richness and vastness f this land.When referring t the rice fields in this area,the ften sa,“c ba thang canh”,eaning the land is s large that the cranes can stretch their wings as the fl.Tda,the regin is ne f Vietna’s highest prducer f rice crps,vegetables and fruits.
