

  Do state facts from past experiences or observations on which you base your hypothesis.

  Do write down your hypothesis before beginning the project experimentation.

  Don’t change your hypothesis even if experimentation does not support it. If time permits, repeat or redesign the experiment to confirm your results.

  Project Experimentation

  Project experimentation is the process of testing a hypothesis. The things that have an effect on the experiment are called variables. There are three kinds of variables that you need to identify in your experiments: independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

  The independent variable is the variable you purposely manipulate (change). The dependent variable is the variable that is being observed, which changes in response to the independent variable. The variables that are not changed are called controlled variables.

  Do have only one independent variable during an experiment.

  Do repeat the experiment more than once to verify your results.

  Do have a control.

  Do have more than one control, with each being identical.

  Do organize data.

  Project Conclusion

  The project conclusion is a summary of the results of the project experimentation and a statement of how the results relate to the hypothesis.

  If your results do not support your hypothesis:

  DON’T change your hypothesis.

  DON’T leave out experimental results that do not support your hypothesis.

  DO give possible reasons for the difference between your hypothesis and the experimental results.

  DO give ways that you can experiment further to find a solution.

  If your results support your hypothesis:

  You might say, for example, “As stated in my hypothesis, I believe that light is not necessary during the germination of bean seeds. My experimentation supports the idea that bean seeds will germinate without light. After seven days, the seeds tested were seen growing in full light and in no light. It is possible that some light reached the ‘no light’ containers that were placed in a dark closet. If I were to improve on this experiment, I would place the ‘no light’ containers in a light-proof box and / or wrap them in light-proof material, such as aluminum foil.”

  2. On women scientists : A speech in the International Women’s Day

  Women thou hast encircled the world’s heart with the depth of thy tears as the sea has the earth.

  Women in your laughter you have the music of the fountain of life.

  The message is clear; it is inspiring and presents a deep philosophy. Women would be the change agent in this fast moving world’s socio-economic scenario.

  We have assembled here today to celebrate the International Women’s Day and also the Year of Empowerment of Women.


  Madam Curie who got the Nobel Prize just after two years of establishment of the Nobel Foundation — first in 1903 in Physics when she shared it and then the second one in 1911 in Chemistry, created a history by winning two Nobel Prizes in a span of 8 years. I am sure, the group here is aware of the difficult conditions and laboratory arrangements under which she worked and yet, she excelled.

  Biotechnologists can never forget the work of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin on Crystallography leading to the structure of the important biological crystals. She won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964. The work of Barbara McClintock, a geneticist won her the Nobel Prize in 1983.

  Just as someone said: “Developing countries that have made remarkable social progress, have done so primarily through the empowerment of women, which has had enormous impact in terms of literacy, health and economic well being of families.” What we need to do is to ensure the valuable contribution from 50% of our human resource.


  It is a matter of great pleasure for all of us to see that the women are not only confined to biology, a subject in which they have been contributing significantly, they are also joining the areas of physical sciences and engineering and performing equally well.

  Somehow, in many parts of the world today, science and technology interventions have treated women primarily as recipient of knowledge and have under estimated their importance as generators of innovations and as a dynamic agent of economic and social change. In empowering the women with scientific and technological skills, women scientists and technologists have a major role. Biotechnology and biosciences including medical, agriculture and basic research have opened up new opportunities. The involvement of women scientists and technologists in physical sciences, especially in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) dates back to 1903, they worked as explorers, pioneers and innovators. By the end of the 20th century, at least 25% of the astronauts at NASA were women, 16% scientists and engineers.

  Of course, it is extremely important that women scientists and technologists are appreciated for their dual role in the society while pursuing scientific research as a career. They should also nurture and cherish their qualities of culture, compassion, courage and creativity. And above all, the cooperative spirit. The five ‘Cs’ are personified in women’s personality.

  3. Charles Drawin Origin of Species

  The English scientist, Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, the same day that Abraham Lincoln was born. Darwin caused a change in thinking about evolution, whereas Lincoln caused a change in the role of the black slave, allowing the black man to be a free man in American society.

  Darwin’s father tried to influence his son to become a worthy student in school. However, Charles did not like to study Latin or Greek, which was required for a classical education. Instead, he made a secret laboratory in his father’s garden where he could experiment in chemistry and physics.

  His headmaster had a very low opinion of his scholarly abilities. So his father decided to send him to Edinburgh, Scotland, to medical school. However, Charles couldn’t bear the sight of surgical demonstrations. One time, a child was being operated on without any painkiller or anesthesia. The child began to scream in agony and Charles ran from the room. Those screams haunted his mind for many years.

  Since he failed at medical school, his father sent him to study theology at Christ’s Church at Cambridge University. However, in his own words, he said his time was sadly wasted “in playing, drinking, singing, flirting and card playing.” But he found a science professor there who recommended he sail as a naturalist on the ship called hte Beagle. This ship would travel for 5 years exploring South America and the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean.
