






  T: Today we are going to have fun watching stories. Wu xx,do you like stories ?

  S1: Yes,of course.(这是我们建筑班号称“睡神”的学生,他立刻兴高采烈地回答了问题)

  T: Good. Xiao x is a boy who likes stories.(我用此句作来引出目标语法,定语从句,然后引导学生译成中文) And, Chen xx,do you like stories?

  S2: Yes. (这是我班少有的几名不自信女生中的一位)

  T: Very good. Miss Chen is a girl who likes stories. Do you all like stories?

  SS: Yes.

  T: So you are the students who like stories.(我把此句板书在黑板)Now, let’s watch the stories on CCTV13.


  T: Look at these children. Are they poor?

  SS: Yes.(没等到我个别提问,全班齐答)

  T: Where do they live? Zhang xx,can you tell me?

  S3: They live in Daliang.(这是我班对英语没有兴趣的学生之一)

  T: Great. You are so careful. They live in Daliang Mountain, and people there are very poor, right?


  T: You are quite right. They live in Daliang which is a very poor place in Sichuan.(我把该句板书于黑板,把定语从句部分用彩笔画线,把关系词标上着重号)Daliang is a poor place in Sichuan province where many children can’t go to school. Those children have to make a living by themselves. You are the lucky children that can get education. Let’s see more about the children in Daliang.


  T: Are they lucky like you?

  SS: No.(全班再次齐答)

  T: Why aren’t they lucky like you?( 问题抛出后,同学们非常积极地讨论,很快,便有了答案)

  S4: They are not lucky because they are poor.

  T: You are right. Many of them do not have enough money to go to school.

  S5: They aren’t lucky because some of them don’t have parents.

  T: Yes. There are quite a lot of children whose parents died of disease.

  S6: They have to leave school. So I think they are unlucky.

  T: In fact,they don’t really want to leave school.

  S7: They have to help look after their small brothers and sisters.

  T: Yes. They are unlucky children who have to leave school or have no chance to go to school. They have to make a living by themselves. But they also have dreams. What is their same dream?

  S8: Go to school.

  T: Their main dream is to go back to school. We are much luckier than them. We should help them. For them school is a place where they can live a happy life. I think you are the students who have dreams. I’m a teacher that also has dreams. What are my dreams, can you guess?   S9: Teach English well.

  S10:All the students study hard.

  S11:Stay young.

  T: I’m so happy that you know me very well. My dream is to make you feel happy to learn English.

  Now, let’s watch Hunan TV. (提到湖南卫视,学生有点兴奋了。我不是播放《快乐大本营》,而是选择了《爱与希望》武艺现场感动放歌的片段,借此来教育同学们懂得爱、懂得感恩、懂得去帮助他人、懂得珍惜现在的学习机会)Now,can you remember the girl whose name is Mahai Qubu? What is the best food that she has eaten?

  S12: Rice.

  T: Quite right. The best food that she has eaten is rice. For us it is unbelievable. Let’s see Asu Zhitie. Who is the person that he misses the most?

  S13: His mother.(这是我班一位心地善良的女孩。答题时,我看到了她脸颊旁的两行眼泪)

  T:What an unlucky boy! The person who he misses the most is his mother. These children live a hard life,but they are stronger than we think. And they also have dreams. They want to go back to school and go to college in the future. We are the lucky ones. We should learn from them...















