

  零基础学英语难不难?因人而异,因方法而异.下面是小编为你带来的初一下册英语第5单元课件 ,欢迎阅读。

  The First Period

  Step 1. Greeting

  1. Greet the Ss ,using the following :

  ---Happy New Year!

  ---The same to you.

  ---Nice to see you!

  --Nice to see you ,too.

  2. Talk about new wishes for the new year ,using the topic” The early bird catches the worm.”

  Good morning, everyone! A new term is coming. Last term, we made great progress in English and our school life. After a long winter holiday, I think most of us may become lazy. That’s too bad.

  As we know , the early bird catches the worm. Let’s get up early and come to school on time. Listen to our teacher carefully and do our homework carefully. Do sports and keep healthy. Let’s help each other and learn from each other, OK?

  Thank you for listening!

  Step 2 Presentation

  1. Teach the advs about frequency by talking the T’s daily activities by presenting the following on the Bb.

  I’m always busy.

  I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.

  I often have milk and bread for breakfast.

  I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car.

  I seldom go home by taxi.

  I never go home by train or by plane.

  2. Get the Ss to explain the meanings of the advs and then complete the chart in 1b, Section B.

  3. Remind the Ss the positions of the advs in the sentences , pay more attention to “ sometimes.”.

  4. Get the Ss to find out the words about means of transportation .Then ask them to say more and write them down . Then finish 2a. Section . Present the following on the Bb.

  by bike / motorbike/bus /car/taxi/train/subway(underground)/plane(air)/ship(sea)/ boat (water)/on foot

  Step 3 Practice

  1. The T talks about how she comes to school .

  My home is far from our school. So I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car because I can’t ride a bike or drive a car. Ask some Ss some questions. Then get the Ss to practice the following in a chain drill.

  ----How do you usually come to school?

  ----I usually come to school on foot/ by car---.What about you?

  --- I usually come to school by bus---

  2. Practice the following in pairs while the other Ss are talking about how they come to school .

  ---How does A usually come / go to school?

  ---He / She usually comes / goes to school ---

  3. Look at pictures in 1b. Talk about how the kids come / go to school by asking and answering questions.

  4. Choose the right sentence for each picture.

  Step 4 Make a survey

  Use the from in Part 3 and hand out the form to the leader of each group and get them to make a survey .Then give a report to the class.

  Step 5 Listening

  1. Listen to 2b. Match the means of transportation with the right people. Ask the Ss to write down the sentences is there is time.

  Mr. Zhang often goes to Shanghai by plane.---

  2. Listen to 1a. Answer the questions :

  (1) Does Kk have a new bike?

  (2) How does Kk usually come to school?

  (3) How does Helen usually come to school? How about Jane?

  3. Retell the dialog using the following passage:

  It’s a new term . Kk meets Helen and Jane at the school gate. Kk has a new bike. It looks very nice. He often comes to school by bike. Helen usually comes to school by subway. Jane always comes to school by bus.

  4. Get the Ss to practice similar conversations in groups in the next period.

  Step 6 Homework

  1. Copy and recite 1a.

  2. Make 6 sentences with the advs of frequency.

  3. Write a passage ,using the information in 2 b.

  4. Preview 1a and 2a in Section B.

  The Second Period

  Step 1 Revision

  1.Duty report The Early Bird Catches the Worm

  2,Review the advs of frequency by going through the dialog in 1a .After listening and reading, circle the advs.Explain the difficult points if necessary.

  3.Act out the similar dialog in 1a , Section A in groups.

  Step 2 Practice

  Get the Ss to practice the advs by making sentences. Try to use the advs as many as possible.

  eg. I usually come to school by bike. Sometimes I come to school by bus. I never come to school by car.

  Step 3. Presentation

  1. Talk about the pictures in 2a ,using:

  ---How does Maria sometimes go home?

  ---She sometimes goes home by subway.

  Practice the rest pictures in the same way.

  2..Read the sentences in 2a. Then complete the sentences. Get them to pay attention to the similar sentences.

  (1) Maria sometimes goes home _______ __________.

  →Maria sometimes ________ ________ _________home.

  (2) Li Xiang often comes to school ______ _____.

  →Li Xiang often goes to school ______ _____ _______.

  →Li Xiang often _______ __________ _______ to school.

  (3) We usually go to the park _________ _________.

  →We usually __________ __________the park.

  (4)They always go to the zoo _______ ________.

  →They always _______ _______ ______to the zoo.

  3.Present more sentences like the above.

  (5)They often go to Beijing by plane.

  They often _____ ______Beijing.

  (6)My father goes to Guangdong by car.

  My father __________ ______ ___________to Guangdong.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  Show a form on the Bb to let the Ss learn them by heart.

  Step 5 Presentation

  1.The T talks about her weekends, using the phrases in Part 2 and Part 3 in Section.C. While listening, ask the Ss to find out and underline the phrases they hear.

  I ‘m always happy at weekends. I usually meet my friends and go shopping with them. Sometimes I watch TV or listen to music at home. I like to cook for my family , too. It’s fun. I can cook nice food. I seldom go to the park or the zoo. I never go fishing or go swimming.

  2. Get the Ss to ask and answer like the following:

  ---What do you usually do after school?

  ---I usually meet my friends. (play soccer/ play basketball/go swimming / go fishing /

  go shopping/ go to the zoo / go to the park/ watch TV / see a movie /listen to music

  / play computer games---)

  Step 6 Practice

  1.Practice the short dialog in Part 2. in pairs.

  ---What does Hai Qing usually do after school?

  --He usually plays soccer, but he doesn’t play basketball.

  2.Teach “How often do you---?” by asking and answering questions like the following:

  ----Do you often meet your friends?

  ---Yes, I do. / No , I don’t.

  ----How often do you meet your friends?

  ----Very often. / Every day./ Seldom / Never.

  Once a week. / Twice a week. /Three times a week.

  3. Make sentences ,using the phrases of frequency.

  Step 7 Consolidation

  1. Listen to Part 3 in Section B. Then check the answers.

  2.Try to retell the passage. Then ask the Ss to write down the passage after class.

  Step 8 Homework Write a passage ,using the information in Part 3.Section B.

  The Third Period

  Step 1. Revision

  1. Duty report. Get the Ss to talk about their daily activities. Try their best to use the advs of frequency.

  2. Revise the similar sentences taught in 2a, Section B by translating sentences in different ways.

  Step 2 Practice

  1. Listen to Part 3, Section D. Then check out the answers.

  2. Ask questions about the sentences.

  eg. (1)How does Miss Yang always go to Wuhan?

  (2)How often does Mr. Rui go to Nanjing by train?

  (3)How does Mr. He sometimes go to his office?

  (4)How does Ms.Wang often go to the Great Wall?

  (5) How often does Tom go to Xi’an by bus?

  Step 3. Practice

  Ask and answer questions about the Ss daily life.

  (1) ---What time do you usually get up ---

  ----I usually get up at ---

  have breakfast go to school have lunch play soccer go home / get home do one’s homework go to bed

  (3) What time do classes begin in the morning? (2) How many classes do you have in the morning and in the afternoon?

  (4) What do you often do after school?

  (5) How often do you play soccer?

  (6) What do you often do after dinner?

  Step 4 Presentation

  1. Lead to the passage in Part 2, Section D. Get a student or two to change the subject “Jane “into “I “ and read the passage. While he/ she is reading, the others complete the table as quickly as possible.

  2. Check out the answers by answering the questions.

  What time does Jane ---?

  What does she do at ----/ after---?

  3. Read through the whole passage and find out the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

  (1) Classes begin at eight.

  (2)She takes the subway home.

  (3) She gets home at five thirty.

  (4) She often does her homework and then watches TV for a little while/ for a short time

  Step 5. Consolidation

  Guide the Ss to talk about their daily activities . If there is time,get one or two Ss to talk about it in class.

  Step 6. Homework

  Write a passage with the topic “ My Day.”

  The Fourth Period

  Step 1.Revision

  1. Duty report. Get some Ss to talk about “My Day.”

  2. Say something about “Jane’s Day” by using the key words on the card.

  Step 2. Practice

  1. Get a student to act as Michael and introduce his school life ,The passage may come from 1a. Section C.

  Hello! I ‘m Michael. I come from the U.S.A. Now I ‘d like to talk about the school life of the American Ss. They usually take a school bus or walk to school. Very few Ss ride bikes to school. They often have lunch at school. They seldom eat out on weekdays. They don’t have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 1:30 in the afternoon. School is over at 3 :00. In their free time, they often play basketball or soccer, go swimming and so on, They have ball games four times a year.

  2, Answer the questions in 1B after listening.

  3. Get another Ss to act as a Chinese Ss and talk about the school life of the Chinese Ss.

  Hello! My name is --- I ‘m from China. I think our school life is different from that of the American Ss. We usually come to school by car or by bike. We usually have lunch at home or at school. We can have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. School is over at 4:45. We can’t do many things after school because we are busy, We have to do much homework.

  Step 3 Consolidation’

  Show a form to compare the differences about the school life between the American Ss and the Chinese Ss.

  Step 4. Presentation  4. Talk about the differences according to the form

  1. Present the interview in 1a . The T acts as the interviewer and one Ss acts as Michael. Act out the dialog before the class.

  2. Get the Ss to listen to the dialog and underline the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

  Step5.Pair work

  Practice the dialog in pairs. Act out the dialog if there is time.

  Step 6 Homework

  Write a passage about the school life of the American Ss.









8.初三 英语第5单元测试题
