《Taking Pictures》 的优秀教案



  (1)协助同学掌握四会词语:hurt help

  (2)同学能够熟练掌握和运用一下短语:take a picture ,be careful.

  二、教学重点难点:hurt help.

  三、教具学具:camera 、film 、 audiotape


  Step one:

  1 、Greeting.

  2、Play “spell It” or “Letters” to review any vocabulary from this unit.(camera, picture)

  3、Play the “semen says” to review parts of the body.

  Step two:

  Take a picture


  Demonstrate:“ take a picture” with my camera and film.

  Play” Stop! Go!” with the phrase

  2、May I take your picture?” Each time the students stop, they take turns saying:” Hi! May I take your picture?” They listen to the answer and only act out taking a picture if their partners say yes.

  Step three:

  1. Review the story so far. Last time, they were at the Palace Museum. Danny hurt his nose, how about the camera and the film?

  2. Where are they now? And what happed? Let students look at the pictures then guess.

  3. Introduce the passage.

  4. Use the students ’book and audiotape. Listen and read.

  Divide the class into small groups.

  Ask each group to make up a dialogue about taking pictures.

  Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as possible. (camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly ).

  Step four:

  Have a practice of the word“ hurt”.Teacher acts some parts of her body hurt let students say them out. Such as my ears hurt. My head hurts. And so on.

  Step five:

  Use the activity book. Check for understanding.


  Lesson13: Taking Pictures

  May I take your picture? Sure.

  No, thanks, my nose hurts. It has a bandage on it .

  Help! I am falling! Be careful!
