

  Now, here's my personal dream story:现在,为您呈上我关于梦的故事:

  Eight years ago, a young couple very dear to my heart had a miscarriage after being attacked by armed robbers in their home. They were newly weds. They share the kind of love that makes one want to give love a second chance. Why? They truly love each other and, they take God on board with them in all that they do.八年前,持械抢劫犯入室抢劫了一对跟我很亲近的年轻夫妻,他们因此而失掉了一个还未出生的孩子。他们刚结婚不久,之间有着使人想给爱第二次机会的那种爱。为什么呢?他们真心相爱,而且他们一切都与上帝同行。

  I am your typical all-year-round-positive-kinda-girl. But, it doesn't mean I do not have my down moments. I stay positive and thankful because I know there's a reason for every season. Since the couple had that miscarriage, they felt empty. For awhile, they wondered if God had abandoned them. They fasted and prayed. They cried. They isolated themselves from family and friends. Basically, they were existing, and not living. They travelled far and wide, spending all their resources, seeing different OBGYNs. Nothing worked.我是那种典型的一年到头都很乐天派女生,但这并不意味着我没有低落的时候。我乐观开朗,常怀感恩,是因为我知道每个季节都有存在的理由。自从那对夫妻遭遇那场不幸之后,就觉得很空虚。有那么一段时间,他们在想上帝是不是把他们抛弃了。他们禁食,祈祷,哭泣。离开家庭和朋友把自己孤立起来。基本上,他们只是单纯地存在着而不是生活着。他们倾尽所能,跋山涉水四处寻医问药,找各种妇产科医生。但毫无效果。

  One day, I called them to say hello. The wife sounded like someone had died. When I asked, she said, "I am fine. Nobody died. Just tired." When I spoke with her husband, he shared with me that she had just seen her period, menstrual period, that is. I asked him if I could speak with her again. I believe till this day that it was the grace of God that led me to make that phone call. It was time to share my one dream with her.有一天,我打电话过去问候他们。这位妻子的声音听起来就像谁去世了一样很是悲伤。当我问道她就说“我很好,没有谁去世。我只是累了.”当我跟她丈夫谈起时,他告诉我说她刚刚进入经期,仅此而已。我问道是否可以再跟他妻子聊会。我相信直到这一天是上帝恩惠让我拨打这个电话。是时候和她分享我的一个梦了。
