



  Once on the subway train, the five—stop journey seemed surprisingly faster, since I wasn't frustrated with a podcast that wouldn't load or a playlist that stopped streaming when I lost service。 I also wasn't reloading my email like an addict every time we pulled into a station。


  The workday was pretty uneventful without a phone。 I'm glued to my computer anyway and popped over to the deli across the street for a late lunch。 It didn't give me much time to wait for my food without anything to distract me。 I did have a semi—important call with someone in NY, but no phone。 So, I used the Google Voice plugin on Gmail to make the call for free。 And the Messages Mac app kept me in text—message contact with all my fellow Apple users。 Gramfeed made it easy to browse my Ins, and of course I had to access Facebook on my browser。
