

  Now, do you get it?


  The post suggests you should date Mr Left but marry Mr Right.


  Why, you might ask? Mr Left is a talker, while Mr Right is a doer. That actually makes sense in China. As you might know, Chinese men do not often say, "I love you." They believe actions speak louder than words. Therefore, women have to rely on their actions to see how much he cares about her.


  Following the post, many women asked for advice on how to turn Mr Left into Mr Right, and the responses from men were hilarious. One said, "You were lucky enough to find a Mr Left, so don’t expect anything more." You know what? He is right. Women sometimes expect too much. Those unrealistic expectations ruin our relationships.I understand why many Chinese women prefer the loving and caring Mr Right. They prefer a strong partner who can take care of them.


  Look around the street next time you are out. Have you ever seen a guy who carries his girlfriend’s or wife’s handbag? Yeah, that’s a thing in China. It shows how much he loves her by helping and spoiling her. As an old Chinese saying goes, "carrots and cabbages, everyone has his/her own preference."
