



  Spring has come at last.

  The plants and trees wake up.

  Everything is full of life.

  The birds flew back from the south.

  Busy squirrels are no longer busy storing pine nuts.

  The clumsy bear is no longer sleeping.

  The birds sang with restless voices.

  The little monkey jumped up and down among the trees.

  Baby bear begins to search each hive.

  The river has thawed

  The trees began to bud

  The farmer's figure was busy sowing.

  Spring is milder than summer

  Spring is greener than autumn.

  Spring, more than winter.

  Why don't I love spring?


  The steps of spring are against the water.

  I dragged my feet in the spring.

  Go against the blue sky

  Southeast of the northwest

  The up and down or so

  A green thumb


  Spring is in every place of practice.

  Green mountain green leaves.

  Green grass green flower green bud.

  With the spring

  Everything begins to be beautiful

  The birds are chattering on the branches.

  Call all life

  Green growth.



  What is calling?

  Ah, the charming spring rain.

  In its enchanting tone.

  Wakes up all things

  Green, tender.

  The grass in the soil is shy.

  And stretched out its delicate head.

  Look at no one -- just craning your neck.

  Green, red, yellow.

  There's one here, there's a bunch.

  In full bloom

  A song of heavenly music is done together.

  Even the swallows come together.

  Spring is the new

  Everything is new.

  Spring is a new beginning.


  Melting ice cubes of winter.

  The stream was singing happily.

  Fly the dust kite.

  All the way down the grass.

  Spring banishes in the grass.

  Several early birds were foraging for food.

  Every green tree bud attracts their attention.

  The spring breeze is setting off a charming dance.

  And all things dance together.

  Spring jumps in the wilderness.

  The grass is more beautiful among the flowers.

  The frozen brook began to cheer.

  The bamboo shoots that just popped up.

  In the patter of spring rain began to pull out.

  Spring sings in the spring rain.


  The spring wind

  With a touch of warmth.

  With the crow of a bird.

  Awaken all things in the world.

  Tell people to come in spring.

  The rain in spring

  There was a gleam of joy.

  With tinkling water.

  Play a tune that says goodbye to winter.

  Tell people to come in spring.

  Spring grass

  With a little shyness.

  Use it as a petite figure.

  In the earth weaving the green carpet.

  Tell people to come in spring.

  Spring flowers

  With a little charm.

  With its subtle fragrance.

  Rendering the beautiful world.

  Tell people the coming of spring.


  The trees are green, the grass is tender and the birds fly.

  The rapid pace resounded through the field.

  Take a winter hoe.

  Drip the seeds of hope with sweat.

  Spring sows in fertile soil.

  English poetry about spring.

  The coming of spring

  Bring life to the world.

  The grass burrowed out of the earth.

  Give comfort to the soul.

  The geese fly in rows.

  Spread the message of spring.

  Spring girls put on colored clothes for the world.

  Make the world more beautiful.

  She works in silence.

  Awaken every sleeping life.

  She invited the rainbow and the sun.

  Describe the most beautiful picture together.









