

  At the moment I am most pretty

  For it

  I have prayed God for five hundred years

  Beg him to vouchsafe us a luck

  Thus he turns me into a tree

  To stand along the roadside

  That you must pass by

  In the sunlight

  Blossoming with prudence

  Every buds are hopes from my preexistence

  When you approaching

  Please listening

  The quivery leaves

  Are the passions of my waiting

  While when you going by

  Without a look

  All those falling over the earth

  Dear, my friend

  It's not petals

  It's my emarcid heart.



  [原创]She Is Leaving

  Could it all be a mistake

  and the good time is only a crossing

  of our separate fates?

  For the sweet memories' sake

  I cherish the other possibilty-

  Or is it too late?

  There is no use to persuade

  myself that you are a dear friend-

  my eyes can't fake.

  The pain is too much to take

  yet I keep piling on more of it

  for my heart to taste,

  In the hope that it'll wake

  from love's rosy bed of death

  which you for me had made.

  I've been through that date

  of our parting hundreds of times

  to make sure all will be OK

  When it does come to claim

  you from my desperate clutching

  under a strained face.

  When the train takes you away

  I hope you could hear in your heart

  what I failed to say.

  [原创]Rantings now I feel bad

  Today is one of those days when the emptiness of life bears down on me with all its forlorn might, as if the whole of the world has started caving in, in whose heaping ruins I scramble in vain for a way out. The light at the end of the tunnel flickers like a candle at the mercy of a relentless storm, at each moment its fire may be devoured by the raging darkness, as if no light had been held against this reign of horror.
