

  8. Never say "wait". What a luxury it is to wait.In the movie, just switch on the lens, subtitles appear on several lines of small characters --- twenty years later.Then Confidante white hair, everything is ending, and now life, which is not for three or five years, students need to pay a second, a really long life.So you're still here - "Magnolia dock"

  9, do not let me wait for you, I am afraid I do not have enough courage, have been waiting in place, more afraid that we walk, and then can not find each other.- "Magnolia dock to us eventually lost youth"

  10, because did not get, so it seems particularly good, this is not love.- the best of us in Changan in August

  11, like a person's mood is not advised, do you think I suffered cold shoulder, did not advise yourself?- the best of us in Changan in August

  12, people, the wounds of life, not to use words to heal, nor is it to use infinite time to forget, but with happiness to cure.- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

  13, I assure you, I will never leave you. I never knew that one day I would be bound by promises. The Vampire Diaries

  There will be 14 happiness, love the world, eventually there will be a world of love each other, enduring as the universe.In such a beautiful time, she met him, fell in love with him, and then decided to stay with him.Time to this, perfect no sigh.- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

  15, "Night Flower fall, I will have to go there; send your heart light, before parting and not miss each other."- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."

  16, Gu Shaoye: the horizon is far away, from now on you are in my heart.The "phoenix" right - yuan

  17, I love each other, so, juanqimei, plain water.I found him in the years and depended on him to give him my life.Be his wife, his child's mother, cook for him, wash his clothes, sew a missing button.Then we grew old together in time.One day he will leave me or I'll leave him to go to another world where the next world edge, then we can say to each other the most simple sentence "I am willing to".- Sheng from the "love you, I did the best thing."
