

  20、 Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.宁愿做事不完美,总比完美地不做事要好。

  21、 "When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called for by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.当失去心爱的人时,我们抛洒悲苦的眼泪,那是因为我们想起了过去没有好好地深爱他们。"

  22、 The shortest answer is doing.

  23、 In love folly is always sweet. 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

  24、 How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样?

  25、 I miss you so much already and I haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

  26、 It involves a lot of hard work. 那需要很多的辛勤工作。

  27、 "To be a happy man, reading, travel, hard work, care for the body and mind.做一个幸福的人,读书,旅行,努力工作,关心身体和心情。"

  28、 Two wrongs do not make a right.别人错了,不等于你对了。

  29、 Thank you for being my friend and being around.感谢你作我的朋友并且在我身旁。

  30、 我要幸福的昏倒了!I am too happy to stand faint!

  31、 "Take some time, always see something. With some things, always see some people. ——花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。"

  32、 "Take a risk. If the outcome isn’t what you expected, at least you can say you tried. 冒险一试,就算结果不是你所期望的,至少你可以说你已经试过了。"

  33、 "God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.神决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。"
