



  一、语音知识 5%

  从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的.划线部分读音相同的选项,Unit 29 Shopping单元测试B。

  [ ]1. dear A. near B. early C. wear D. where

  [ ]2. for A. or B. forget C. work D. sorry

  [ ]3. exercise A. certainly B. river C. hers D. skirt

  [ ]4. cheap A. breakfast B. great C. bread D. leave

  [ ]5. sell A. behind B. then C. eleven D. nose

  二、单词拼写 10%


  6. sh( )pping ________

  7. b( )y ________

  8. h( )lf ________

  9. f( )rge( ) ________

  10.bef( )r( ) ________

  三、词组汉译 10%


  11. half a kilo _______________

  12. some food for lunch _______________

  13. school things _______________

  14. on one's way home _______________

  15. shopping bag _______________

  四、完成句子 15%


  16. 格林夫人想买些晚饭吃的食物。

  Mrs Green___ ____ ____some food____supper.

  17. 您这儿有茶叶吗?

  ____you____ ____tea here?

  18. 您想要多少苹果?

  _____ ______apples _____ you want?

  19. 那蛋糕多少钱?

  ____ ____ ____the cake?

  20. 兰兰想和妈妈一起去买东西。

  Lanlan ____to ____ ____ ____her mother.

  五、单项选择 30%


  [ ]21. You can buy a new pen ____.

  A. in a factory B. in a school

  C. in a shop D. on a farm

  [ ]22. Can you come____me to the zoo?

  A. with B. and

  C. to D. for

  [ ]23. I want to cook some food____supper.

  A. to B. for

  C. at D. on

  [ ]24. I want____of meat, please.

  A. two kilo B. two kiloes

  C. twos kilos D. two kilos

  [ ]25. ____is a kilo of oranges?

  A. How many B. How about

  C. How much D. How heavy

  [ ]26. The teachers in our school are____.

  A. friendly B. friendship

  C. friends D. friend

  [ ]27. There____meat and rice on the table.

  A. are B. aren't

  C. is D. are not any

  [ ]28. The fish is very good. How____do you want?

  A. / B. many

  C. much D. some

  [ ]29. Do you have____here?

  A. many tea B. any tea

  C. much teas D. some tea

  [ ]30. —— Can I borrow your eraser?

  —— Sorry. It's not here with me. You can____one in the shop.

  A. buy B. sell

  C. take D. see

  六、补全对话 30%

  根据对话内容,每空填入一个适当的词,使对话完整与正确,英语试题《Unit 29 Shopping单元测试B》。

  A: Can I read your story-book?

  B: Sorry. I leave (遗忘) it at home. 31. __________________

  But you can 31 one in the bookshop. 32. __________________

  A: 32 33 ? 33. __________________

  B: The one near the shop. It 34 all 34. __________________

  kinds (种类) of story-books.

  A: I think it's closed.

  B: No, it's 35 . Please go there now. 35. __________________

  参 考 答 案

  一. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B

  二. 6. shopping 7. buy 8. half 9. forget 10. before

  三. 11. 半公斤 12. 午饭吃的一些食物 13. 学习用品 14. 在某人回家的路上 15. 购物袋 16. wants to buy...for 17. Do...have any 18. How many...do 19. How much is 20. wants...go shopping with

  四. 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C

  五. 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. A

  六. 31. buy 32. Which 33. bookshop 34. sells 35. open









