

  三、综合阅读 (共两节,计34分)

  第一节 阅读理解 (共10小 题;每小题2分,满分20分)



  Do you like winter? What do you like to do in winter? In summer when is rains, we can’t go out and play sports outside. We just stay at home, it’s very boring. But in winter if it snows we have a lot of things to do. For example, we can make a snowman(雪人)with our friends. It’s not difficult to make a snowman. We just let a snowball roll(滚动)on the ground until it’s big enough. Next we roll another snowball as the head of the snowman. Then put the small snowman on the big snowball. Last try your best to make your snowman beautiful. You can also have snowball fights with your friends. After the snow a lot of people come to the playground. They throw small snowballs to each other. This is a very exciting game in the cold winter. It makes people warm and healthy. A lot of people like it especially boys.

  (  )56.What can people do when it snows?

  A.Make a snowman.    B.Go swimming.   C.Have snowball fights.   D. Both A and C.

  (  )57.Who like having snowball fights best?

  A.Old people.         B.Children.        C.Parents.        D.Teachers.

  (  )58.What does the underlined word ”especially”mean?

  A.尤其               B.十分           C.非常           D.有时

  ( B )

  In our big city there are a lot of shops near the Department Store. They make a big shopping center and sell all kinds of things. You can always buy everything you want here. Here is a list (目录;列表) of big shops.


  Department Store41853051No.189 Yonghua Road

  Mobile Phone Store41653789No.67 Xiangyang Road

  Old Wang Shoemaker41861736No.180.Yonghua Road

  Shanghai Sweater Shop41615789No.75 Xiangyang Road

  Yiwu Shopping Market41836547No.190 Heping Road

  Zhiyuan Computer Company41653786No.68 Xiangyang Road

  Xiwang Toy Shop41586327No.195 Heping Road

  Yang Liuqing Painting Store41861861No.192.Yonghua Road

  (  ) 59.If you want to buy a pair of shoes, where will you go?

  A.Xiwang Toy Shop.            B.Mobile Phone Store.

  C.Shanghai Sweater Shop.        D.Old Wang Shoemaker.

  (  ) 60.What’s the telephone number of Shanghai Sweater Shop?

  A.41861736        B. 41853051     C.41615789        D. 41586327

  (  ) 61.Which shop is beside Zhiyuan Computer Company?

  A.Mobile Phone Store.           B.Department store.

  C.Yiwu Shopping Market.        D.Shanghai Sweater Shop.

  (  ) 62.How many big shops are on Yonghua Road?

  A.Eight.      B.Three.         C.Two.       D.Six.


  Look in the bedrooms of young people in the world. Maybe you will find a pair of blue jeans in each room. Jeans are very popular all over the world.

  Jeans give you the feeling of comfort(舒适), youth(青春)and energy(活力). Every person likes them very much.

  Levi Strauss is an American company. It first made blue jeans. The company was founded(建立) in 1853 by 24-year-old Levi Strauss. Twenty years later, he made first blue jeans in the world. The jeans were used as working trousers for the cowboys(牛仔) of American West. During the Second World War, American soldiers brought blue jeans to Europe and Asia. People there began to wear jeans. Little by little, they become cool.

  People from different countries like different styles of jeans. Americans like to wear simple and single-colored jeans, but many Chinese people like to wear jeans with lots of different colors.

  Now we can see jeans everywhere. However, in many places, it’s not always good to wear jeans. No matter how good they may look, or what color they are, it’s often not right to wear jeans in formal(正式的) places. But when you are out, relaxing or having fun, jeans are the best choices.

  (  ) 63.The story is talking about _________________ .

  A.Levis Strauss        B.young people      C.clothes’ history D.jeans

  (  ) 64. Levis Strauss made the first blue jeans_________________.

  A.when he was 44      B.when he was 24     C.in 1853           D.in 1924

  (  ) 65.When you_________________, you’d better not wear a pair of jeans.

  A.go to an important meeting            B.go to a trip

  C.have a party                        D.are having fun

  第二部分   非选择题(共45分)

  第二节 任务型阅读(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)

  Most people like having a picnic. But what does the word mean? Where does it come from? What is a picnic?

  For most people a picnic is a meal they eat outside the home, usually in a park, by a river, or even sitting in a car if the weather is cold and wet. At one time, however, (66)people had picnics at home at their own dinner tables.

  The word //pic.ruiwen.comes from the French words piquer which means “to pick” or “take” and pique-nipue which means “a small coin”. (67)Everyone who came to a picnic brought something to eat. They took or picked small pieces of food from each plate. They had a pique-nique. This kind of meal was popular in Britain, The British used the French words for it but changed the letters to make “picnic”. This is the way we write it today.

  (68)In some countries there are big picnics on special days. Lots of people go to parks on these picnics. For most people, however, a picnic is a family party. The family puts some food and drink in a basket, gets in the car and goes off to a nice place in the country or by the sea.








  Hi, I’m Tina. I’m an office worker in a downtown(城区市中心) office. I live on a small island, so I take a boat from the island(岛)to the city every day. The boat leaves every 20 minutes and it takes about 35 minutes to get to the city. Then I have a short walk to my office. Sometimes when the weather is bad, I can’t get to work on time by boat.

  My name is Sarah and I’m a teacher. I take the train to work every day. The train is quick and cheap, and there are hardly any delays(延迟). The trains run every half an hour and run until 00:30. The train station is near my home. It only takes 20 minutes from my home to school.

  Hello, I’m Maria and I’m a college student(大学生). I live in the college. The college is very big, so I usually walk a lot. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes to get from one building(楼房)to the next. When I want to shop with my friends outside the college, we take a bus. The buses stop running after 10:00 pm. So if we come back after that time, we have to take a taxi.

  WhoHowHow long

  Tina (69)___________get to the city (70)__________35 minutes

  Sarah (a teacher)go to work by train(71)______________

  Maria (a college student)(72)____________ inside(在…里面) the college15 minutes from one building to another

  take a bus outside the college

  四、 写 (共三节,计31分)

  第一节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题1分,满分11分)



  ______ ______ watching TV, only a few students watch it every day.


  He feels ______ ______. Because he will take an exam.


  I _______ go home______ the concert was over.


  My father _____ ______ ______ this afternoon.


  It was cold yesterday. She ______ ______ put on her heavy coat.

  第二节 补全对话。在空白处各写一个句子,使对话完整正确。(每小题2分,满分10分)

  A: Hi !Wang Yu. Nice to meet you here.

  B: Hi!Zhang Qing, Nice to meet you too.(78)________________________________?

  A: Next vacation? Oh, I’m going to Kunming.

  B: (79)_______________________________?

  A: It’s always warm and sunny. You know, people call it the spring city.

  B: (80) ____________________________?

  A: Yes, I want to go there by plane. It’s far away from here.

  B: That sounds great. (81)__________________________?

  A: Maybe for a week.

  B: (82)______________________________.

  A: Thank you.

  第三节 书面表达(共1题,满分10分)






  要求: 1.文中不能出现真实的'班级和姓名。



  Dear Xia Lei,

  Thanks for______________________________________


  Huang Yan
