初一英语:I want to be an actor单元测试题及答案


  Unit 4 I want to be an actor.



  ●Word recycling and grammar reviewing


  Ⅰ.Fill in the blank with the right verb form.(用动词的正确形式填空。)

  A:________(1.be) Mary your best friend?

  B:Yes,she is.

  A:________ she often ________(2.write) to you?

  B:Yes,once two weeks.

  A:Where does she live?

  B:She ________(3.live) in Tianjin.It ________(4.not be) far from Beijing.

  A:How long ________ a letter ________(5.travel) from our city to Tianjin?

  B:One day.

  A:What ________ you ________(6.do) now?

  B:I’m ________(7.write) a letter to her.I ________(8.tell) her everything ________(9.go) well.

  A:I want ________(10.have) a pen friend like yours.


  1.Is 根据答语 “Yes,she is”,判断问句用动词 “is”。

  2.Does;write 根据“often”判断此题考查一般现在时的一般疑问句。

  3.lives 根据问句“Where does she live?”,因此用lives回答。

  4.isn’t 根据主语it判断动词用is,否定式为“isn’t”。

  5.does;travel 一般现在时的疑问句形式,其主语是“a letter”,动词用第三人称单数。

  6.are;doing 根据“now”,此句用现在进行时,be+doing结构。

  7.writing 根据第6 题的问题,此题用现在进行时回答。

  8.will tell 根据题意“我打算告诉她一切都好”,此题用一般将来时更恰当。

  9.goes everything一般作为第三人称单数使用。

  10.to have “want to do”为固定结构。

  ●Preparation for new lessons(新课预习)

  Ⅱ.Match the pictures with the right words.(给下列的单词选择对应的图片。)

  1.reporter( ) 2.bank clerk( ) 3.shop assistant( ) 4.actor( ) 5.dancer( ) 6.policeman( ) 7.teacher ( )

  8.doctor( ) 9.waiter( ) 10.waitress( )

  答案:1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.E 6.J 7.I 8.F 9.G 10.H



  ●Exercises for new words(生词专练)

  Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks according to the sentences and the first letters.(根据句意及首字母提示填空。)

  1.Where does Tony’s father w________?


  2.Do you want to be a bank c________?


  3.—What does he do?

  —He’s a s________ in No.6 Middle School.


  4.I want to be a t________ in school.


  5.Do you often go out for d________?


  Ⅱ.Write down the right word form requested in the brackets.(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。)



  2.thief(复数) ________




  4.interesting(反义词) ________


  5.story(复数) ________




  ●Exercises for phrases(短语专练)

  Ⅲ.Fill in the blank with the right verb form.(用所给动词的正确形式填空。)

  1.My work is interesting but kind of ________(danger).


  2.I want to have a busy but ________(excite) job.


  3.I am a reporter.I meet many ________(interest) people.


  4.He is a famous cook,he can cook ________(China),________(France)and ________(Japan) food.


  5.We are in an international school.

  We want a ________ (sport) coach.


  ●Exercises for function items(交际用语专练)

  Ⅳ.Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue.


  A:Hello,John!Where are you going?

  B:Hi,Anna!I’m going to Beijing.1________

  A:What does your uncle do in Beijing?

  B:He is a bank clerk,2________


  B:No.He thinks it’s too boring.

  A:4________ But being a policeman is a dangerous job.

  B:Yes,but it’s exciting work.5________

  A.but he wants to be a police officer.

  B.I think so.

  C.Doesn’t he like his work?

  D.I want to be a police officer,too.

  E.I want to go and see my uncle.

  答案:1.E 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D

  ●Exercises for grammar


  Ⅴ.Rewrite the sentence according to the requirement.(根据要求改写句子。)

  1.What does your mother do?(改为同义句)

  ________ your mother’s ________?


  2.I work in a school.(对画线部分提问)

  ________________ you work?

  答案:Where do

  3.Sam wants to be a police officer.(对画线部分提问)

  ________________ Sam ________ to be?

  答案:What does;want

  4.He can cook Chinese food.(改为否定句)

  He ________________Chinese food.

  答案:can’t cook

  5.He is very busy.(改为同义句)

  He________________ time.

  答案:has no



  ●Elementary exercises(基础题)

  Ⅰ.Rewrite the sentence according to the requirement.(根据要求改写句子。)

  1.What is your father?(改为同义句)

  What ________ your father ________?


  2.The man over there enjoys cartoons.(改为一般疑问句)

  ________ the man over there ________ cartoons?


  3.His sister does homework in the afternoon.(改为否定句)

  His sister ________ ________ homework in the afternoon.

  答案:doesn’t do

  4.People give their money to me.(改为同义句)

  People ________ ________ their money.

  答案:give me

  5.My uncle works in a restaurant.(对画线部分提问)

  ________ does your uncle ________?


  Ⅱ.Complete the sentence according to the sentence meaning and tip.


  1.My father is a teacher,but he________________(想当)a reporter.

  答案:wants to be

  2.His uncle is a policeman.________________________________________(小偷害怕他).

  答案:The thieves are afraid of him

  3.His job is ________(令人厌烦的).He ________(数)a lot of money every day,but it’s not ________(他的`).


  4.They________________________________________(开办一个国际学校)for children of 5-12 years old.

  答案:start an international school

  5.If you want to work for us,call us ________________________________________(尽早,尽快).

  答案:as soon as possible

  ●Integrated exercises(综合题)


  Wu Yang gets 1 late.He 2 his bike to the school quickly.He doesn’t look 3 the traffic light,so he hits a car.

  The driver 4 him to hospital right now.The doctor looks over Wu Yang very carefully.Wu Yang wants to go to 5 ,but the doctor and the driver ask 6 to stay in bed.

  “Now my boy,”says the doctor,“Can you 7 me your name,please?”

  “What are you going to do?”asks Wu Yang.

  “I’m going to tell your parents and your 8 ,”answers the doctor.

  “But my parents 9 my name and my teacher knows my name, 10 ,”says Wu Yang.

  1.A.down B.up C.out D.away

  2.A.ride B.riding C.rides D.to ride

  3.A.for B.after C.on D.at

  4.A.takes B.take C.to take D.taking

  5.A.work B.bed C.school D.hospital

  6.A.he B.him C.his D.them

  7.A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell

  8.A.teacher B.friend C.classmate D.student

  9.A.knows B.know C.knowing D.to know

  10.A.else B.other C.too D.also


  1.B get up意为“起床”。

  2.C 骑自行车,本文整体时态是一般现在时,主语又是第三人称单数。

  3.D 他没有看交通灯。

  4.A 主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

  5.C Wu Yang 是学生,所以他想去上学。

  6.B ask sb.to do sth.意为“叫某人做某事”,sb.用人称代词宾格形式。

  7.D tell sb.to do sth.意为“告诉某人做某事”。

  8.A 我想告诉你的父母和老师(关于你的病情)。

  9.B 主语my parents是复数。

  10.C too 意为“也”,常用于句尾,其前用逗号隔开。

  ●Link to test(模拟链接)


  Lifelong Learning(终身学习)

  In the past,when students graduated from college and got jobs,only some of them went on with their study.But today,lifelong learning is becoming more and more common(常见的).

  Lucy,who is forty,teaches physics at a college in Boston.“Next term,I’ll teach some of my classes by using the Internet.This is the way of teaching that I’ve never used before,”says Lucy.“These days,I am taking a class to learn how to teach in this way.If not,I will lose my job.”At the same time,Lucy’s seventy-year-old parents,who live in New York,are taking an art history class online.“We love this subject,”says her father,“and we learn it to enjoy ourselves.You see we can study with people all over the world.What fun it is to learn like this!”

  Lucy Parents

  Age Forty 1._______

  Subject 2.________ Art history

  Place 3.________ New York

  How to teach or learn On the Internet/Online 4.________

  For what they go on learning Not to lose her job 5.________

  答案:1.Seventy 2.physics 3.Boston 4.online5.enjoy themselves

【初一英语:I want to be an actor单元测试题及答案】相关文章:

1.I want to be an actor单元测试题

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3.沪教版《This is what I want》教学反思

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上一篇:初一英语测试题目:In the Past的答案下一篇:初一英语上册期中试题