


  Five people are talking about tipping in a restaurant.


  A tip is a “thank you,” but in truth, a tip is payment for service. 20% is a standard tip. Servers deserve it for their hard work. Tips make up about 97% of a server’s total income. 36 So, before servers are paid to living wage, tip 20%.


  Why should I pay the difference between what the restaurant is willing to pay the employee and what an acceptable wage is? I do pay 20%, but I hate it. How about miners, construction workers, resident doctors, etc? 37


  I’ve always viewed tipping as a way of saying “thank you” to the one who serves me. I tip according to the quality of service. The better the service, the higher the tip. 38 Much like the harder teachers in school, I never give an easy “A”.


  18-20%for good service is today’s standard. The restaurant and its employees are too polite to tell you this or to put it on their menus, but that is their expectation and you need to understand that. 39 To do otherwise is to be openly rude.


  Tipping has gotten out of control. I always had thought it was 15%, and now suddenly servers have made it 20%. I tip 15%, and that’s it. Interesting to be told, “If you can’t afford to tip 20%, then you should eat at home.” 40

  A. Do they get tipped?

  B. Those tips are needed for survival

  C. I believe it is good manners to respect this

  D. If you disagree, why not eat elsewhere?

  E. Unless the service is perfect, I never tip more than 10% of the bill

  F. Restaurants will never pay more unless they are forced to do so by new laws.

  G. If all those people stayed away, the restaurant would not even be in business.




  I’ve started driving again, just small journeys until I gain my confidence. Tonight I drove along a road 41 about 12 years ago. As I drove along it I 42 Kelly.

  Kelly was a 43 when this road was constructed. Her mother 44 when Kelly was very young. She and her brother were 45 by her father and she herself admitted that she was a(an) 46 child, climbing out windows, staying out drinking etc. The year after I taught her, a 47 thing happened. Kelly’s dad was about to turn onto the new road 48 he met with a fatal(致命的)accident.

  At that stage I didn’t teach Kelly but had 49 taught on her learning programme. I wrote to tell her that I would help her with one of the six 50 she still had to complete on her second and final year of her programme.

  I brought Kelly to my home where I 51 and supported her through the whole unit. I got her to complete all the assignments at my home so that she would stay 52 . Kelly got a better performance in the unit I taught her, and this helped raise her overall 53 . My support also helped her focus on her studies at such a 54 time in her life. Kelly’s lecturer was so 55 with her assignments that she got Kelly to 56 the higher level parts of the assignments to the rest of the class! This was so good for her self-esteem(自尊心). Kelly 57 her course. I was so glad she didn’t 58 .

  A few yeas ago I met Kelly in the town centre. She was 59 a pram(婴儿车), her newly born son sleeping contentedly. I was glad to see life had brought a new family member into Kelly’s life for her to love. It’s the 60 she deserved.

  41. A. created B. ruined C. flooded D. blocked

  42. A. met B. hit C. remembered D. recognized

  43. A. worker B. student C. teacher D. volunteer

  44. A. passed away B. backed up C. helped out D. took over

  45. A. forgiven B. affected C. rescued D. raised

  46. A. active B. wild C. optimistic D. curious

  47. A. strange B. mysterious C. terrible D. delightful

  48. A. when B. because C. once D. though

  49. A. seldom B. later C. eventually D. previously

  50. A. books B. units C. courses D. subjects

  51. A. admired B. knew C. tutored D. hired

  52. A. interested B. focused C. awake D. happy

  53. A. grades B. looks C. health D. weight

  54. A. good B. happy C. sad D. pleasant

  55. A. impressed B. puzzled C. disappointed D. embarrassed

  56. A. show B. give C. pass D. explain

  57. A. quit B. completed C. failed D. chose

  58. A. stand up B. move out C. drop out D. set out

  59. A. selling B. pushing C. making D. riding

  60. A. last B. most C. worst D. least








  Anvitha Vijay, who is only nine years old, has built two educational apps. One is Smartkins Animals, which helps many 61 (child) identify more than 100 animals an 62 other Rainbow Colors, which teaches kids colors.

  With the help of YouTu videos, the young girl from Melbourne, Australia, learned to code (编程)at age 7 all by 63 (she). Soon, she was trying her hand at making apps. “When I first got my iPad, I 64 (attract)immediately by all the apps on it,” she told TFK. “It wasn’t long 65 I wanted to crate my own.” Anvitha’s skills won her scholarship to attend a big tech conference hosted by Apple in San Francisco, California. There, she got tips from the professionals and went to workshops 66 she learned about the latest software for app building. all that training led to an idea for a third app. This one, 67 (call) GoalsHi, inspires kids to practice good habits.

  Anvitha’s goal is to continue crating technology that helps kids learn while 68 (have)fun. But what’s even more 69 (importance) to her is that the world sees the power of technology in kids’ hands. “The more training we get in tech at an early age,” she says, “the 70 (good)chance we will have of becoming innovation champions who will one day change the world.”


