

Annoying Mobile Phone Users

  What really annoys(使……不悦) me most about modern life is the way some people use their mobile phones. 36However, there are some people out there who just don’t care about other people’s feeling when they use a phone. These mobile phone users make life painful for the rest of us. Let’s divide these users into groups.

  The first group are those people who shout on the phone, especially in enclosed places like trains or lifts. 37 It isn’t necessary.

  38Some ringtones are truly unpleasant—a 1oud, electronic version(版本) of Beethoven with a hip hop(嘻哈乐)beat, for example. This is especially annoying in the cinema.

  The third group of people who annoy me are those who have to walk around while they speak.39

  Finally, the worst group are people who take a phone call while you are in a conversation with them. This is extremely rude in my opinion.

  I would like to end with a message to all the above mobile phone users:You think you look cool and important talking on your mobile all the time. 40

  A. But believe me—you don’t!

  B. Next are those with annoying ringtones.

  C. I don’t know why they have to talk so loudly.

  D. This group of people keep talking on the phone.

  E. I have no idea where they get, the noisy ringtones.

  F. They stand in the way just when you want to get past.

  G. The mobile phone is an important part of life for most of us.

第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45)



  I had always wanted to go on a high mountain walk. There are some good long-distance walks in the UK,but there aren’t any really41mountains. Before leaving,I 42 my clothes,equipment(装备), and the weather forecast. I 43read a couple of books and looked at some photos and travel blogs on the Internet. This was fine, but you can't 44them with the real thing!

  A lot of incredible things happened during the 45 . Perhaps the best was the complete 46 from city life. While I was 47,there were no cars, no noise, no rush. The 48was of course very impressive:valleys, mountain lakes, and there were plants and wildlife that you 49 see on TV. And I50so many interesting people along the way, from Europe, Canada, and Japan. When I arrived at my accommodation,I made new 51.They told me where they’d been; I told them where I was going;we exchanged(交换)stories and advice. It was just 52!

  But of course there were 53. There always are. In this case, the weather. High mountains 54that the weather can change very quickly. We even had snowstorms in July! When your clothes get very wet,it isn’t 55 to dry them,so you’re 56 the next day. And climbing mountains is hard on your knees, too. And there’s always the 57 of falling on the paths,where not even a mobile phone can 58 you very much.

  For me,however, the whole walk was a special 59 that I’ll always remember. 60 I did the trip again,there’s just one other thing I would do differently:lots of physical training before the walk!

  41. A. high B. beautiful C. rocky D. distant

  42. A. provided B. required C. needed D. checked

  43. A. also B. just C. soon D. once

  44. A. discuss B. put C. compare D. bring

  45. A. task B. trip C. summer D. planning

  46. A. patience B. treatment C. change D. story

  47. A. riding B. walking C. running D. sleeping

  48. A. sky B. wildlife C. collection D. scenery

  49. A. again B. 1ater C. only D. even

  50. A. met B.1isted C. expected D. recognized

  51. A. visits B. friends C. choices D. preparations

  52. A. amazing B. popular C. tiring D. strange

  53. A. chances B. promises C. disagreements D. problems

  54. A. show B. mean C. seem D. decide

  55. A. useful B. necessary C. easy D. good

  56. A. unlucky B. dangerous C. stupid D. uncomfortable

  57. A. risk B. truth C. fun D. courage

  58. A. control B. prevent C. help D. give

  59. A. training B. experience C. offer D. interest

  60. A. Although B. Unless C. As D. If
