




  1.will come            2.was reading        3.will go

  4.had broken          5.would fly            6.travels

  7.had found           8.went                  9.was looking



  1.              his father would come back in two days.

  2.              if (whether) my uncle lived in Beijing.

  3.              if (whether) I had finished reading the novel.

  4.              if (whether) I would go to the park with him.

  5.              who would answer the question in English.

  6.              what was wrong with the boy.

  7.              what the man was doing.

  8.              if (whether) the foreign guests were going to visit our school.

  9.              if (whether) the Shanghai library is open on Sundays.

  10.           who he wanted to see.


  1.D         2.D         3.C         4.A         5.B          6.C         7.A         8.A         9.A         10.D

  11.C        12.B        13.C       14.C        15.C        16.B        17.D       18.B        19.D       20.D


  1—5 BADDB 6—10 DCBAB 11—15 DAABC 16—20 DBBAA


  1—5 DBADD 6—10 BDABC 11—15 CACAA 16—20 DDCCD

  21—25 ADCCC 26—30 CCCDB 31—35 ABBD


  1. that he would give me a present 2. if I was going to plant trees with them 3. where the post office was 4. to come at five o’clock 5.the earth travels round the sun.



  1.  I think he ________ (come) back soon.

  2.  He told mw his father ________ (read) the newspaper this time yesterday.

  3.  I want to know if he ________ (go) fishing with me.

  4.  I didn’t know who ________ (break) the window.

  5.  He told me his father ________ (fly) to Beijing the next day.

  6.  The teacher told us that light ________ (travel) much faster than sound.

  7.  He asked if the girl ________ (find) her lost bike.

  8.  He said he ________ (go) to Beijing three years ago.

  9.  He asked who the girl ________ (look) for.

  10...I asked him whether it ________ (snow)in winter in Australia.


  1.  My father will come back in two days.

  He said ____________________________.

  2.  Does your uncle live in Beijing?

  He asked me __________________________.

  3.  Have you finished reading the novel?

  He asked me ______________________________.

  4.  Will you go to the park with me?

  He asked me _________________________________.

  5.  Who can answer the question in English?

  He asked _____________________________.

  6.  What’s wrong with the boy?

  The doctor asked ___________________________.

  7.  What is the man doing?

  He asked ________________________________.

  8.  Are the foreign guests going to visit our school?

  Nobody knew ________________________________.

  9.  Is the shanghai library open on Sundays?

  Do you know____________________________?

  10.Who does he want to see?

  Didn’t he tell you ______________________________?


  1.Have you decided ________ for Australia?

  A. when will you leave       B. when do you leave

  C. you will leave when       D. when you will leave

  2.Can you tell me _________ ?

  A. where does Tom live       B. where Tom lived

  C. Tom lives where                     D. where Tom lives

  3.The old man asked me ________ .

  A.  where was the cinema          B. where is the cinema

  C.      where the cinema was        D. where was the way to the cinema

  4.I think _______ you will like him.

  A. that   B. if     C. why       D. how

  5.I didn’t know _______ he will come or not.

  A. that     B. whether       C. weather         D. how

  6.I wonder _________ .

  A. how much cost these shoes     B. how much do these shoes cost

  C. how much these shoes cost            D. how much are these shoes cost

  7.She asked me _________ .

  A. who he was      B. who was he        C. who is he        D. who he is

  8.Ask him _________ .

  A.  whose cup this is   B. whose cup is this  C. this is whose cup  D. whose is this cup

  9.I don’t know _________ .

  A. what time the movie starts              B. what time starts the movie

  C. the time to start the movie        D. the movie what time starts

  10.The doctor asked me how long ________ .

  A. was I ill        B.  have I been ill C. I have been ill   D. I had been ill

  11.The weather forecast doesn’t say _________.

  A. if it rains tomorrow              B. if does it rain tomorrow

  C. if it will rain tomorrow           D. if will it rain tomorrow

  12.Do you know _________?

  A. whose pen is this          B. whose pen this is

  C. whom does the pen belong to D. whom the pen belong to

  13.Could you tell me where _________?

  A. the tape was     B. was the tape      C. the tape is         D. is the tape

  14.They want to know _________?

  A. where is the hospital           B. how old are you

  C. when the train will leave        D. why is the boy crying

  15.Tony wanted to know _________.

  A.      what had Father Christmas put in his stocking

  B.      when Father Christmas had put in his stocking

  C.      what Father Christmas had put in his stocking

  D.     where Father Christmas had put in his stocking

  16.No one knows ____ the professor will come to our school tomorrow to give us a talk or not.

  A.      when       B. whether     C. where       D. if

  17.July didn’t know_________.

  A. where is Tim’s father                  B. when was the first watch made

  C. who the old man is                    D. what was wrong with her watch

  18.No one told us _________, so we need your help.

  A. how should we do   B. what we should do   C. what to do   D. what should we do

  19.We don’t know _________ with the rubbish and it pollutes out land and sea.

  A. how do it          B. how to do          C. what do it    D. what to do

  20.He asked me _________.

  A.      whether I find out the sender of the money B. whether did I find out the sender of the money

  B.      whether the sender of the money found out D. whether I found out the sender of the money
