



  1.   2.   3.   4.  5.

  6.   7.    8.  9.  10.


  ( )1、A. a new student B. a nice girl C. a new boy

  ( )2、A. at a party   B. for the party C. go to the party

  ( )3、A. your job  B. your name C. your friend

  ( )4、A. buying fruit B. over there  C. very thin

  ( )5、A. climb trees  B. listen to   C. want to


  ( )1、A. He’s Ben.  B. She’s Miss Li. C. He’s Mr Green.

  ( )2、A. I’m a nurse.B. Yes, I am.  C. Thank you.

  ( )3、A. My name is Jack. B. Her name is Nancy.

  C. His name is David.

  ( )4、A. It’s a bike. B. It’s Liu Tao’s.C. They’re Liu Tao’s.

  ( )5、A. He’s a cook B. He’s 30.  C. He’s in the car.

  ( )6、A. Yes, she is .B. Yes, he is.   C. Yes, it is.

  ( )7、A. It’s an apple.B. They’re orange.C. They’re pears.

  ( )8、A. Here you are.B. Not at all.  C. Some apples, please.

  ( )9、A. It’s in the tree.B. It’s on the trees. C. It’s a cat.

  ( )10、A. I’m a girl. B. I’m a nurse.  C. I’m 12.



  1. jacket  2. try  3. this 4. think  5.friend

  kite  dress  there   thank   father

  ( ) ( )    ( )  ( )   ( )


  (  )1、What are ______? They are pineapples.

  A. this  B. these   C. it

  (  )2、Who’s the woman ______ long hair?

  A. with  B. in   C. of

  (  )3、_____ is her job?

  A. What  B. Which   C. Who

  (  )4、They’re my uncles. They’re _____.

  A. pears  B. boys   C. workers

  (  )5、_____ climb the table again.

  A. Not  B. Don’t   C. Do

  (  )6、Who’s that woman over there? _______ Mrs Green.

  A. He’sB. She’s C. It’s

  (  )7、This is my brother. _______ is a doctor.

  A. He B. She  C. It

  (  )8、_________________ ? Yes, I am.

  A.Is he a teacher?  B. Are they teachers?

  C. Are you a nurse?

  (  )9、Who’s the man ________ the green coat?

  A. in  B. at  C. with

  (  )10、__________ is he?Twenty.

  A. How manyB. How oldC. How much

  (  )11、What ________ their jobs?

  A. is  B. are C. am

  (  )12、What’s ___ job? She’s a teacher.

  A. his  B. her C. she’s

  (  )13、What’s the ___ ? I’m tired.

  A. time B. matter C. wrong

  (  )14、_________? It’s in the desk.

  A. Who’s heB. What’s thatC. Where’s the key

  (  )15、The girl _______ is my sister.

  A. in the redB. in red C. in red coat


  1、What’s you name? ( ) __________

  A BC

  2、Whose that boy?( ) __________

  A BC

  3、Is you a student?( ) __________

  A  BC

  4、We’re late to the party. ( ) __________

  A   B  C

  5、She my grandmother.( ) __________

  AB  C


  1. this(对应词)_________   2. peach(复数)_________

  3. their(同音词)_________   4.come(反义词)_________

  5. buy(同音词)_________  6.man(复数)_________

  7. isn’t (完整形式)________ 8.who’s(同音词)_________

  9. let us(缩写形式)_________  10.right(同音词)_________


  1. 下来          2.爬树

  3. 聚会迟到        4. 穿着红衣服的女孩

  5. 哪一件毛衣       6.the girl in the tree

  7. an English policeman      8.一只眼睛

  9. 一只小耳朵       10.我的好朋友


  A: Can ______ _______ you?

  B: I’d ______ some _______(梨), please.

  A: OK. _______ _______ kilos?

  B: _______ _______ (三公斤), please.

  A: Three yuan, please.

  B: Here you _______.

  A: Thank you. Bye.

  B: _______.


  Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes lemons very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They are her students.

  Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges, Miss Lin likes oranges, too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, he likes watermelons.

  ( )1、Miss Lin likes lemons.

  ( )2、Wang Dong is an English student.

  ( )3、Miss Lin is a new student. She is thin.

  ( )4、Wang Dong likes oranges, too.

  5、Nancy is the girl with _______ _______ and _______ _______.

  6、Mike is a ________ boy. He is thin.

  7、Lily and Miss Lin like __________.


  一.1student    6 pear

  2man    7 waiter

  3father     8 worker

  4cook    9 brother

  5apple     10boy

  二. 1 Are you a new student?

  2 We’re late for the party.

  3 Is he yourfriend?

  4 Who’s that boy overthere?

  5 I wantto be a teacher.

  三.1Who’sshe ?

  2 What’syourjob ?

  3 What’syourname ?

  4 Whoseapplesarethey ?

  5 Howoldishe ?

  6 Isheateacher ?

  7 Whatarethese ?

  8 CanIhelpyou ?

  9 What’sthat ?

  10What’syourjob ?









