


  There are many different kinds of disasters around the world.As an adult you know what to do during a disaster,but what about the children?Some adults think it would probably never happen to them,so they don't teach their children what to do.Before it's too late,here are ways to help you prepare your child for a disaster:

  Educate:It is always good to let your child know about possible disasters.This doesn't mean children have to live in fear.When teaching them about disasters,keep the conversation positive(积极的)by telling them there is a solution(解决办法)to the disaster.Keep the conversations short,allow for questions and answer honestly.

  Prepare:Always be prepared,that is the best advice for children.For example,when preparing for bad weather,get the tools you need,like candles,radios,food,water and medicine.Teach your child what is needed in certain disasters so that they know what is available for them,if ever needed.

  Plan:You should always have a plan for you and your child for any dangerous situation.Write out a simple list that they can read.The plan could start with “listen to an adult's advice and/or call 119”.

  Practice:Once you have got the correct safety tools and worked out the right plan,practice every few months.Practicing what to do during a disaster with your child will help them if the time comes.

  Disasters can't be avoided but they can be lessened(减轻)once you are prepared and ready for one.

  26.What does the word “disaster” mean?

  A.命运 B.灾难

  C.演习 D.倾销

  27.What should adults teach children?

  A.When disasters will happen.

  B.Why disasters are dangerous.

  C.What to do for a disaster.

  D.How to avoid a disaster.

  28.What is the correct thing to do for adults?

  A.Have positive conversations with children.

  B.Try not to talk about disasters with children.

  C.Make the children scared of disasters.

  D.Ask children lots of questions.

  29.What's the most important thing for children?

  A.Always ask adults for help.

  B.Always be prepared for a disaster.

  C.Always listen to an adult's advice.

  D.Always remember where the tools are.

  30.What is NOT suggested doing?

  A.Remembering what is needed in certain disasters.

  B.Getting the children to know the plan well.

  C.Helping people in disaster areas.

  D.Getting radios for bad weather.


  31.—Can you help me with my math?

  —No problem(问题).

  32.If you try your best,you can work it out easily(容易的).

  33.I want another(另外的) ten people to help me.

  34.She likes eating potatoes(土豆) very much.

  35.How lovely/cute(可爱的) your pet dog is!


  36.She is from Canada.She speaks Canadian English.

  37.Mike is an excellent boy,he is one of the best students in my class.

  38.Have you ever heard from your pen pal?

  39.Shopping online is popular with young people.

  40.If you are very hungry,you can go to the restaurant near here.
