



  Today we’ll visit the famous sacred place of Taoism-----Wudang Mountain. Now I would like to outline the general situation of this mountain. It is not only one of the first batch([b?t?]) national level scenic spots (首批国家级旅游景点)of China but also the heritage of the world. Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe Mountain, is located in Shiyan City, northwest of Hubei Province. In the late period of the Easten Han Dynasty, Taoism道教 was born and Wudang Mountain was respected as the immortal 不朽的([i'm?:t?l]) mountain of Taoism.

  Besides the refined(微妙的) and elegant natural sceneries , the ancient architectures are grand

  [ɡr?nd] and magnificent . The ancient complex of Mt. Wudang, inherited继承 down since the Ming dynasty, is revered令人尊敬的 for its typical royal style, as proved by the saying of “ constructing the Forbidden City in the north and redecorating Wudang in the south”. In 1994, the ancient architectural complex of Mt. Wudang was listed in the Catalogue目录 ['k?t?l?ɡ] of the World Cultural Heritage. The whole complex adopted采用 royal architecture style, utilizing利用 ['ju:tilaizi ?] fully the natures, showing exotic layout.异国情调的布局

  Now we’ve reached our destination---Wudang Mountain. A few minutes later, we will reach our first station----the needle-rubbing well.

  The buildings of the Needle-rubbing Well were located at a high point. According to Wudang Taoism, it was this exact point that receives the first beam of pure positive sunshine when the sun rises every day, so it is also called Pure Sunshine Palace.

  Now we are in the Taizipo zone. The building in front of us is the Needle-rubbing Well. Let’s get off the bus. The Needle-rubbing Well is a typically exquisite精美的 [ek'skwizit]building in Wudang Mountain, whose overall arrangement is supremely ordered and beautiful她的整体布局极度的美丽而有序, and tells about the story of Zhenwu's training

  It is said that Zhenwu, crown prince of Jing le Country, went to Wudang Mountain to train himself at the age of 15.After self- training in the deep forest for several decades but achieved nothing, he was totally depressed and decided to go back to the secular world; however when he came here and met an old woman, rubbing a ferrous ['fer?s] pestle to get a needle, which made

  him realize that "Perseverance [,p?:si:'vi?r?ns] will prevail [pri'veil " so he came back to the deep forest to continue his self-training and finally he became a god.

  Entering the gate, you will see a group of smart and exquisite buildings, without symmetrical独特的 [si'metrik?l] arrangement, but with a unique style and layout, which allow you to easily distinguish the primary and secondary ones.

  Let’s get on the bus and go to our next station----Purple Cloud Palce. Before my description of this scenic spot, you can draw a picture of the palace in your mind with imagination.

  The nucleus construction of Purple Cloud Palace, The Grand Hall is the only left double-eaved, lean-to-hill重檐歇山顶, wooden building. As one of the quite rare 稀有的[rε?] building of uplift wooden crossbeam construction抬梁式大木结构 in the history of the Taoist architecture, the Grand Hall is scientific and rational in structure and overall arrangement, harmonious和谐的 and coherent一致的 [k?u'hi?r?nt] in artistic style, united with surroundings as a whole, and unique in taste and features among the buildings in Wudang Mountain. Meanwhile(at the meantime), the Grand Hall, having absorbed the techniques of various times' artisans, demonstrated展示,证明 ['dem?nstreit] great achievements of architectures in Ming and Qing Dynasties, therefore, worthy of visiting and researching

  The palace is in front of us. Compared with your imagination, what do you think of the palace? Dazing是晕眩 and full of praise [preiz] from travelers the inner part of the Grand Hall is. Let’s enter the hall. Carefully painted and well carved [kɑ:v], the Hall is magnificent in vigour 气势, crafty on idea, smooth and natural with sculpting雕刻法, unsophisticated[?ns?'fistikeitid]and gracious by decoration, solemn庄严肃穆的 ['s?l?m] and exquisite over displaying. In the hall, five shrines神龛 [?rain] are set there. Around the shrines hundreds of rare antiques古玩dedicated. Most of the precious antiques, dynamic动态的`[dai'n?mik], vivid, and wonderful to see, were the images of Gods by clay sculpture泥塑 and goods for worshipping during the Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties.

  In the middle of the Shrine dedicated the image of Zhenwu. With a height of 4.8meters, the image is the biggest clay sculpture. Another divine神圣的 image made by paper and covered with golden leaves is the best preserved 保存[pri'z?:vd] and most ancient paper image ,which comprehensively displays广泛地,最大程度地展示了 the marrow精华on craftwork of paper pasting裱糊['peisti?], sculpting, gilding镀金, colored drawing, and has great value in researching

  ancient paper pasting.

  The fastigium屋脊 of the Grand Hall consists of six flying colored glaze彩釉 [gleiz] dragons. An Aquarius is surrounded by the dragons that are painted in three different colors. Due to the heaviness and highness, the Aquarius has to be drawn by four iron ['ar?n] chains [t?ein]铁链. Each end of the chain is attached to the hand of a divine kid, it is said that the four kids of deity神明

  ['dirti] has stuck to their positions in order to keep the Aquarius steady no matter it is chilly寒冷, scorching灼热, rainy, windy or thundering. Because their spacial positions are even higher than the superior 上级的[sju:'piri?] God, the four kids are also called Super Gods.

  After the rebuilding in 1412 A.D., the Grand Hall had been repaired about ten times in different times. Therefore, it can maintain its basic features. In 1994, the experts on world’s relics from UN inspected Wudang Mountain and said, "Here, we witness the sample of traditional remedial治疗[ri'mi:di?l,means to the ancient buildings".

  Now we are leaving for the Golden Summit, which is regarded as the symbol of the Wudang mountain .We will go there by tram rail索道. Now we have got to the station. Let’s get of the bus and get on the tram rail. On the way to Golden Peak by tram rail, we are now traveling among the peaks, and then we are floating in the clouds, just like gods. We have reached the main peak .It is 1612 meters high. The Golden Palace is located here. Standing in front of the Golden Palace, you can have overall view of the beautiful scene of Wudang Mountain,。

  Golden Summit (金顶)is located in Wudang Mountain-day peak of the main peak, 1612 meters high. And the Golden Palace, with a height of5.45 meters and flying eaves飞檐 decorated by dragon, phoenix凤凰['fi:niks], sea horse, and other immortals神仙、神兽, is the highest one in the ancient Chinese construction grade. Bronze青铜制[br?nz] constructed, the Golden Palace was gilded by gold outside. All the parts were so perfect matched that there is without any crevice缝隙['krevis]nails. Enduring [in'djuri?]保持、持久 about 600 years’ wind and rain, thunder and lightening, cold winter and hot summer, the Golden Palace is still shining as if it was newly built up. Hence, the Golden Palace, national treasure, not only presents the wonderful Chinese ancient architecture skills, but also reveals揭示 the wisdom of Chinese people and ancient scientific level. The Golden Palace is the integration of intelligence and creativity智慧与创造力的结晶, and also the display of art and beauty. The inside walls of the Golden Palace were lightly carved with soft floating clouds lines. Purple mantel壁炉架, clean and smooth, reflects a gentle and

  harmonious color. The statues of Emperor Zhenwu, Gold Boy and Jade Girl金童玉女, and the Generals of Water and Fire水火二将 are being worshipped inside of the Gold Palace, with delicate portray and distinct personality精美的描画和鲜明的特点.

  Golden Clock Pavilion阁[p?'vilj?n] and Jade Drum [dr?m] 鼓Pavilion are in front of the Golden Palace. On the two sides of the palace, there are lot house and stamp house for pilgrims

  ['pilgrim]朝圣者to draw lots and stamp the holy mark.

  We will get back to the station by tram rail. You have enjoyed the view of the peaks again. Now let’s get on the bus.


  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Welcome to Wuhan. My name is flw I am from shiyan travel service. I will be your local guide during your stay in shiyan This is our driver, Mr Wang. His bus number is WH12345.On behalf of my travel agency, we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader, and he will let us know. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try to do my level best to “warm the cockles of your heart”. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  Today we’ll visit the famous sacred place of Taoism-----The Golden Palace of Wudang Mountain. It is not only one of the first batch national level scenic spots of China but also the heritage of the world.

  After some efforts We have reached the main peak .Its altitude is 1612 meters . The Golden Palace is located here.Standing in front of the Golden Palace, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scene of Wudang Mountain, as far as 400 kilometers. All the peaks are stopping at the static moment, just like raged waves, which wonderfully advertises the majority prestige and lofty imperial power.

  The Golden Palace, with a height of5.45 meters and flying eaves decorated by dragon, phoenix, sea horse, and immortals, is the highest one in the ancient Chinese construction grade. Bronze constructed, the Golden Palace was gilded by gold outside. All the parts were so perfect matched that there is without any crevice. Enduring about 600 years’ wind and rain, thunder and lightening, cold winter and hot summer, the Golden Palace is still shining as if it was newly built up. Hence, the Golden Palace, national treasure, not only presents the wonderful Chinese ancient architecture skills, but also reveals the wisdom of Chinese people and ancient scientific level.

  The Golden Palace is the integration of intelligence and creativity, and also the display of art and beauty. The inside walls of the Golden Palace were lightly carved with soft floating clouds lines. Purple mantel, clean and smooth, reflects a gentle and harmonious color. The statues of Emperor Zhenwu, Gold Boy and Jade Girl, and the Generals of Water and Fire are being worshipped inside of the Gold Palace, with delicate portray and distinct personality.

  Golden Clock Pavilion and Jade Drum Pavilion are in front of the Golden Palace. On the two sides of the palace, there are lot house and stamp house for pilgrims to draw lots and stamp the holy mark. Behind those houses is Parent’s Palace, which is the holy place for pilgrims showing respect to Zhenwu’s parents.

  We will get back to the station by tram rail. You have enjoyed the view of the peaks again. Now let’s get on the bus.

  We have appreciate the scenery as well as its culture.It is not only a mountain but also a heritage full of our ancestors’ wisdom.

  Your current visit to China is drawing to a close. I would like to say a few words before you leave this country, though I am not a speech-maker. Time have elapsed so quickly and you have visited several scenic spots in this city. The time we stayed together was rather short and really the surface was only scratched. What the Chinese people call “looking at the flowers on the horse’s back.” Every one in the group has been very cooperative, friendly, understanding and punctual. That is what I witnessed and experienced, and as a national guide, it was much appreciated.

  Parting is such sweet sorrow. Happy to meet, sorry to depart, and happy to meet again. Wish you have a nice journey home. Goodbye.










