

  Had said of the shrines in my wonderful, and introduce you worship the pomp of the ceremonies. Each year the winter solstice, the emperor came in here to ceremonial. In two days ago, the emperor ceremonies in imperial palace for fast, and the third day, also of winter is just the day before, is going to the temple of heaven on ZhaiGong fast. The winter solstice, seven moment before sunrise, now more than four o 'clock in the morning, to make the report ZhaiGong hour, emperor drive, the bell tower of the northeast corner start tolling. To wash one's hands and face with clothing machine, god CARDS are sent to change clothes, and the homologous position mesa is seven group, called the magical seven bully; HuanQiu burnt stoves in before put a calf, with the burnt to burn, southwest of pine looked at high, lighting lamp light pole panlong all-night treasure wax, tainan square lined up, coordinating the instrument teams and shao music, accompanied by in baiguan, wenwu is formally started praying to the ceremony by south Ling star, emperor left the door when the bell stopped put the altar, to the second south after worship men standing at company who submitted process praise instrument. The revenue ZhuWen read to the god. Etiquette, will soon after the tributes to before respectively from is burnt wood furnace (a bully times removed offerings burn, the emperor will again stand aside, called hope benchi visual their) and liao furnace (HuanQiu altar, there are 12 seats in camp Yi their furnace from east to west and north are lined with 8; Ling star surrounded counterfort things within each have a pair from outside the coordination bully times. The car under tribute to eight wreathed respectively, while four furnace burning sacrifices from a bully times to lingxingmeng place), the smoke and fire to vacate symbol of heaven. Then even will oxtail, venues, cattle blood to Yi candy buried, the symbol of the RuMaoYinXie meaning not forgotten ancestors. In this ceremony, need special mention is the emperor ZhuWen standing by revenue read place, is said mesa center stone. The pure He is one of the three acoustic phenomena temple. Read here voice special loud, and now here is the same, dear visitors might as well enjoy this strange effect, also as did the emperor, like telling their beautiful upward days desire.


  Now let's continue to walk along the axis, the building called days before the library, and it is the main hall emperor vault and planet. Huang vault built during Ming, Mr. Nine temples, beginning to seventeen years called tiger was renamed the emperor, now, it's Mr. Arch effect is deposited on weekdays HuanQiu altar god places so sacrifice HuanQiu altar here also called palace. The circular stone temple positive on the lay of god is the god CARDS, but front on both sides of the four square stone was laid is something other gods, eight ancestors used to store enshrined in the holy warrior. But Mr. Emperor vault representing the three word of the universe, days, the supreme mean, more show its divine and sovereign.


  It is an architectural art value very high buildings, overall assumes the circular, underneath is high Xumi-seat 2.85 meters round for green, white, have built out of the three direction of southeast west Bi, namely the steps, and in south ErLongXiZhu Dan Bi and a Bi stone. TongWa single eaves above is blue top gold treasure. Zan point And in the temple and eight root eaves column and eight root JinZhu, hall, all without beam supporting 3.5-ounce by various Romanesque capitals which should support the fold layers, steps, thus creating the fine shrinking the vault of a dome. There are still applied physics of lever principle. This group of buildings, and there are not only very elegant stone, and three notes echo wall of this and we have just said three acoustic temple stone are pure phenomenon. Echo wall is the walls, Mr. Emperor vault built on the ground brick walls, very smooth seams, is very good sound carrier, can sound transmission of sound transmission way, in the small, as long as the loss of the wall, even forty or fifty metres apart speak, could not see noodles, can clear heard to talk to each other. And three notes Mr. Stone is the emperor vault front hall, you stand on three pieces of stone on the first stone clap your hands can hear a fruitless, second stone can hear twice, and the third piece can hear echo, so called three times three sound stone. In later also somebody call it three just stone, take three conditions to mean.


  Perhaps you just have noticed, the temple of heaven has very many cedars and good, it's like Beijing a natural oxygen bar. And in that, there is a lot of cooper, the plant 500 years old, is GuiBai outside the western wall echo wall nine LongBai the tree. It is strange, trunk texture ravines, and full of rotating distortions, like nine coil dragon playing, so call it around nine LongBai really a little too much.
