


  本论文以郑州市咖啡馆为研究对象。在理论分析中,对国内外体验营销相关理论和顾客满意理论进行梳理,结合郑州市的发展现状分析咖啡馆营销环境。在实证分析中,借鉴 Schmitt 的体验模块提出郑州市咖啡馆体验营销的模型,在该模型的基础上形成本论文的调查问卷,包含五个变量(咖啡馆感官体验、咖啡馆情感体验、咖啡馆思考体验、咖啡馆行动体验、咖啡馆关联体验)和 25 个二级因素指标,运用 SPSS17.0 软件对调查问卷的初始数据进行统计分析,得出咖啡馆顾客体验与顾客满意度之间的关系以及影响程度,计算出郑州市咖啡馆顾客整体满意度,运用重要性--满意度四分图法将影响因素划分到四个象限,本论文主要对落入急需改进区的影响因素,提出更具有针对性的体验营销策略。




  The progress of science and technology makes the product homogeneity, and the homogenizationof products also promote the fierce competition in the market. The unique experience is becoming moreand more important, enterprises only have a good grasp of the real needs of customers, to providecustomers high-quality products, humanized service, and consumer desire experience, can make theexperience something of real value, which will help rnterprises survive in the long and fierce competition.

  This has become the key to the success of the enterprise in the experience of the economic revolution.

  Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, and the largest city in the Central Plains, which has theconvenient transportation and developed economy, which also has provided the good conditions for thedevelopment of the café。 The cafe is a place for people to relax and dining, and is the fashion place of theurban population's entertainment, which has been more and more popular with consumers. If Cafeteriawant to get long-term development, it is necessary to get more customer resources in the terminal market.

  And a good experience will become a powerful weapon for customer terminal resource battle.

  This paper takes Zhengzhou cafe as the research object. In the theoretical analysis, the domesticand foreign experience marketing theory and customer satisfaction theory are analyzed. According to thestatusquo of the development of Zhengzhou to analyze the café‘s marketing environment. In the empiricalanalysis, the model of experiential marketing of Zhengzhou coffee shop is proposed by the experiencemodule proposed by Schmitt. On the basis of the model form the questionnaire contains five variables and25 secondary factors. By using SPSS17.0 statistical software to analyze the initial data of the questionnaire,the relationship between experience marketing and customer satisfaction, the influence degree of the coffeeshop was obtained, and the overall customer satisfaction degree of Zhengzhou coffee shop was calculated.

  By using the importance - satisfaction four points chart will affect the factors divided into four quadrants,influencing factors can be concluded that what factors are needed to be improved in Zhengzhou's cafe.

  The conclusions of this study are summarized as following: cafe sensory experience, cafe feelingexperience, cafe action experience, cafe thinking experience and cafe relation experience on customersatisfaction have significant positive correlation. According to the effect of the size on customer satisfaction,five variables are arranged in the order of sensory experience, feeling experience, action experience,thinking experience, relation experience. In the section of experience marketing strategies of cafe inZhengzhou, according to the importance - satisfaction quarter Figure factors will be divided into differentquadrants. Marketing suggestions are put forward for urgent need to improve the area of influencefactors.so as to help improve customer satisfaction and formation of customer loyalty. The paper gives therecommendations of the Zhengzhou's cafe as shown: establish comprehensive sensory experience strategy;build new feeling experience strategy; stimulate creative thinking experience strategy; establish multi-levelaction experience strategy; enhance charismatic association experience strategy. In the end, this studyshows the limitations and future directions of this research.

  KEY WORDS: cafe, experience, experience marketing, customer satisfaction, demonstration analysis

  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景及研究意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 研究方法

  1.3 研究内容

  1.4 论文技术路线

  1.5 研究的创新与不足

  1.5.1 研究的创新点

  1.5.2 研究的不足之处

  第二章 文献综述

  2.1 体验营销的相关理论

  2.1.1 体验的内涵

  2.1.2 体验营销的内涵

  2.1.3 体验营销的特征

  2.1.4 顾客体验的维1度

  2.1.5 体验营销的策略研究

  2.2 顾客满意的相关理论

  2.2.1 顾客满意的定义

  2.2.2 顾客满意度的测量

  2.2.3 顾客满意度相关模型

  2.3 本章小结

  第三章 研究方案设计

  3.1 研究假设

  3.2 模型设定

  3.3 研究变量可操作化界定

  3.3.1 研究变量释义

  3.3.2 顾客体验量表

  3.3.3 顾客满意度量表

  3.4 问卷设计与抽样调查

  3.4.1 问卷设计

  3.4.2 抽样调查

  第四章 郑州市咖啡馆顾客体验对顾客满意度的影响分析

  4.1 描述性分析

  4.1.1 样本的描述性统计分析

  4.1.2 测量指标的描述性统计分析

  4.2 数据的有效性分析

  4.2.1 信度分析

  4.2.2 效度分析

  4.3 数据分析与假设检验

  4.3.1 因子分析

  4.3.2 相关分析

  4.3.3 回归分析

  4.4 郑州市咖啡馆各因素满意度分析

  4.4.1 确定指标权重的相关理论

  4.4.2 各因子顾客满意度的计算

  4.4.3 顾客整体满意度的计算

  4.5 重要性--满意度分析

  4.5.1 重要性--满意度四分图

  4.5.2 各要素重要性--满意度四分图分析

  4.6 本章小结

  第五章 郑州市咖啡馆体验营销策略研究

  5.1 建立全方位的感官体验策略

  5.1.1 强化主题风格

  5.1.2 优化背景音乐

  5.1.3 保持咖啡自然香气

  5.1.4 提供多样化产品

  5.2 营造全新的情感体验策略

  5.2.1 洞察顾客心情与情绪

  5.2.2 提供贴心服务

  5.2.3 营造情感氛围

  5.3 激发有创意的思考体验策略

  5.3.1 把握求知欲,提供知识学习空间

  5.3.2 巧设悬念,激发好奇心

  5.4 打造多层次的行动体验策略

  5.4.1 鼓励顾客参与活动

  5.4.2 提供增值服务

  5.5 深化全面的关联体验策略

  5.5.1 塑造品牌,构建企业文化

  5.5.2 彰显顾客身份,增强社群归属感

  5.5.3 拓宽渠道,宣传咖啡文化

  5.6 本章小结

  第六章 结论与展望

  6.1 结论

  6.2 研究的局限性与展望

  6.2.1 研究的局限性

  6.2.2 研究展望


  致 谢









