


  Everyone reads the same book, experience is different, but invariable is the pursuit of life and love and persistence.

  Today, with curiosity, I opened my long-awaited little prince. One, two, three, four, five... The more I looked, the less I wanted to stop, the faster I looked, the more I devoured the essence of the book like a hungry Wolf. I finished it in half an hour.

  The little prince, by the author on a little secret from different planets, pure identity in the process of step by step, at the same time, in the form of fable shows readers a picture of life and life, love and responsibility of beautiful pictures. The author writes a thought-provoking philosophical and emotional appeal through popular and concise language. The whole fairy tale is full of poetic melancholy, the subtle sadness, the aftertaste is endless.

  The little prince took a serious attitude towards life, and he diligently dredged the crater and pulled out the saplings of the baobabs. But the little prince was alone, and when he was in low spirits, he would carry a stool to the sun to watch the sunset. His only pleasure is to enjoy the afterglow of the sunset. Fortunately, a rose entered his life, rose has a quiet tender feeling, she will repeatedly cough after being exposed, she is a beautiful and very proud flower. She was in love with the sad little prince, and the little prince loved the roses. But one small thing eventually make them separately, sensitive because the little prince a anger rose and build a suspect for love, he left his own the stars, left the rose, began his lonely journey.

  This is an adult's fairy tale, should use the life to experience the fairy tale. Every time I read it, my feelings are different. Children can find lovely foxes, shy and strong flowers, treacherous snakes. The young can find deeper things in it -- the eternal and strong love, the understanding of domestication; Middle-aged people can find life, such as astronomers, Kings and geographers, and lamplighters; The elderly can find life in it, especially the view and understanding of life, such as the death of the little prince, the perception and understanding of death.

  This is really a work written by a writer to his wife, with his sincere feelings and deep love for his wife!


  "The little prince" was published in 1943 by saint-exuper, and the author was forced to land in the desolate Sahara desert because of a plane crash. A mysterious little boy suddenly appeared, and he repeatedly asked me to draw a lamb for him. He is the little prince, from a distant planet. Then he left the planet to a space Odyssey, visited like to people under the command of the king, that old cheered for him to others, the desire to alcoholic, old, divorced from reality, geographers, live in the light of rigid rules, he is very don't understand about their lives. Finally, he came to earth, understood a lot of truth, and established a friendship with the fox, from which he learned the true meaning of life. Perhaps the little prince was not dead, but his body, his body, and his soul had returned to his planet. If one day there is no war on the earth, and the ugly phenomenon is eliminated, the world is full of warmth, love and friendship, and he may return.

  "The little prince" tells us that we are children, the in the mind only the desire of the simple and plain state of mind, we have dedicated their toys, even if it were worn out, for us, it is still no substitute, because it was close to grow with us. Yes, the importance of our hearts and the adults are so different. We have sorrow for a stray cat, we for the blossom of a flower infinite joy, we will also to a beautiful chic thrilled with the butterfly, for us, this is important.

  I love "the little prince", because it is close to the heart of the people, and it brings us back to our original heart, after a long search in the back and forth.


  He is the little prince from the outer planet, lonely, lonely and noble. Coming to earth, he had a lot of confusion, but he said, don't blame them, treat adults, children should be very tolerant.

  He fell in love with the only rose on his little planet, and the flowers fell in love with him, but love made them sensitive and suspicious, and tormented the little prince who loved her. She is not sincere, she is bluffing, she is mean. In fact, all this is the little trick of flowers, she just because too afraid to lose him. The little prince was so young that he could not see the flowers in his heart. Away from the flowers he loved.

  Still, he loved her. He always thought that this flower is unique in the world, he felt that he is very rich, he said: "if a man fell in love with a unique in the universe stars flower, it's enough to make him happy when looking at the stars. He would say to himself: my flower is there, on a star... "

  But when he found a rose garden on another planet, he knew that the flower he loved was just one of thousands of flowers. He was sad that the flower he loved was just a common rose.

  The fox told him that the relationship between man and man was tamed and tamed. "To me, you're just a little boy," he said. "it's like a million other little boys. I don't need you. You don't need me either. To you, I'm just a fox. But if you tame me, we will need each other. To me, you are the only one in the world. To you, I am the only one in the world. "My life is monotonous and I'm tired of it. But if you tame me, my life will be full of sunshine. I would recognize a distinctive step. The footsteps of others will let me hide in the ground, and your footsteps will let me come out of the ground like the call of music. So the little prince knew that the flower had tamed him. He went to the rose garden again, and saw the large flowers, though they thought the flowers were beautiful, but they felt empty. He still felt that his rose was unique, though in others' eyes it was only one of the common roses. Because he knows, that rose is his tame, he to water, she gave her catch caterpillars, wind to her, to listen to her talk, he in the flower spend time to get his roses have become so important.

  His gentle heart deeply understand his love roses, though the rose with thorns, others think it is a flower of malice, but he knew that the flowers just to the best of their abilities to protect themselves, they think there lived the sting can scare people. Just as some people with a thorn, actually they just don't know how to get along with the world, with a everywhere guard against heart, very tired, very painful, but there is another who can like the little prince to understand them?

  He also knew that he was responsible for everything he had tamed, which many adults had forgotten. They always tamed what was new to them, then threw it aside and let it die.

  This is a fairy tale book, but it is not only a fairy tale book, every adult should see. The little prince tells us to search for beauty and love with our hearts.
