

  15)  The matters of establishing representative office of German Companyin China shall be undertaken by German Far Eastern Limited directly and the Far Eastern Limited would also responsible to connect German Company, supply the required materials of German party and draft documents required by Chinese approval authority. All the relevant costs required for establishing representative office of German Company in China shall be examined and verified by Beijing Company in advance and could be paid by Beijing Company first, finally the costs will be paid by both parties in ratio of 1:1. The 50% of the costs will be paid by German Company after Beijing Company submitting bill to the former in form of sales costs.

  15) 德国公司驻中国代表处的成立事宜应 由德国东源咨询有限公司直接负责. 并负责联络德国公司,提供所需的德方资料,起草中国审批机构所需文件。成立德国公司驻中国代表处所有相关费用需要北京公司预先审核认可,可以先由北京公司支付。最终中德双方各承担50%。此费用之50%将由北京公司今后以营业销售的支出向德国公司提交账单由其支付。

  16) The products listed in Attachment A may be fireproof product. For instance, the fire test shall be executed by Beijing Company so as to acquire the necessary local certificates. Its door products are required to conduct such kind of tests, the certificates shall be supplied by German Company.  If it needs relevant personal in Chinese party to check and verify in German factory etc in order to acquire the certificates issued by government, German Company has to supply necessary supports until passing the verification.

  16 列在附录A中的产品可能是耐火的。例如耐火测试应由北京公司在中国进行,以取得本地必要的证书资质。门产品需要进行此类测试,应该由德国公司免费提供。如果因为取得政府颁发的资质证书,需要中方相关人员去德国工厂考核验证等工作,德国公司必须提供必要的支持,直到通过验证。

  17)  In matters of brand name “xxxxxx” and its usage, rights and duty, obligation, registered company name etc, both parties agree that German Far Eastern Limited and authorized German law office Taylor Wessing draft an agreement separately according to the Memorandum of Understanding before October 15, 2012 and submit to Beijing Company and German Companyto discuss. The fees of law office will be paid by Beijing Company andGerman Company in ratio of 1:1, and it needs submitting costs plan toBeijing Company for checking and verifying in advance. Such costs will be paid by German Company first and then paid by Beijing Company and German Company in ratio of 1:1 after the finishing of lawyer service required for the agreement.

  17) 双方同意就品牌名称“xxxxxx/ccccccccc”和它的使用、权利及职责、义务、注册的公司名称等事宜, 通过德国东源咨询有限公司及委托德国律师事务所Taylor Wessing 于2012年10月15前,根据此合作意向书另行起草协议,并交予北京公司与德国公司进行讨论。律师事务所之费用由北京公司与德国公司各承担50%,且需要提前提交费用计划书经过北京公司确认。此费用先由德国公司支付,待此合作协议所需的律师服务完成后,由北京公司向德国公司支付50%。

  18) Both parties know that Beijing Company will make a huge investment to carry out marketing management and sales activities and German Company will invest step by step to expand its production facility according to the increasing order quantity in Chinese market so as to meet the demands of market orders.


  a) The legal term of contract of both parties shall not be shorter than 5 calendar years and the earliest termination time of contract shall be in year of 2018 then it is a contract term per 5 years. Under the condition that Beijing Company hasn’t violated any binding article, the contract will postpone automatically when coming to the expiration of contract. Any party is not allowed canceling the cooperation after the contract expires.  In light of the agreement, Beijing Company enjoys the perpetuity of German brand “xxxxxx” in Chinese market. Under the condition that Beijing Company hasn’t defaulted and German Company cancels the cooperation, the perpetuity of German brand “xxxxxx” in Chinese market will be transferred to Beijing Company with1 USD.

  a)  双方的法律合同期限应不低于5个日历年,而最早的合同终止时间应该在2018年,之后每5年为一个合同期限。在北京公司不出现违反约束条款内容的情况下,合同到期后应自动顺延,任何一方不得在合同期满后取消合作。根据协议,北京公司拥有德国品牌名称“xxxxxx/ccccccccc”在中国市场的永久使用权。在北京公司没有违约的情况下,如果德国公司取消合作,则德国品牌名称“xxxxxx/ccccccccc”在中国市场的永久使用权将以1美元的价格转让给北京公司。

  b) Provided that German Company cancels the cooperation in 2018 or any time after 2018, Beijing Company will be granted to take over the right of name and all other rights of German brand “xxxxxx”(only in China).

  b)  假如德国公司在2018年或者之后任何时间取消这个合作,北京公司应被赋予接管关于德国品牌名称“xxxxxx/ccccccccc”(仅限于中国境内)的名称权和其它所有的权利。

  c) Provided that Beijing Company cancels the cooperation within 5 years after signing the contract, Beijing Company will pay a sum of cancellation charge to invest German Company as invalid assets and the total amount is _______________________, and the brand’s right of name will be reserved and returned to German Company according to stipulations in Article 17.

  c) 假如北京公司从签署合同起5年内取消这个合作,北京公司应支付一笔取消费用作为无效资产投资给德国公司,总金额为_______________________,而品牌名称权根据第17条款规定应保留并归还给德国公司。

  d) From 2016, Beijing Company is given a right of choice and it could become the partner of German Company by purchasing stocks of German Company. The choice shall restrain that the maximum equity purchased from the company shall be 40% or less that, and such kind of participation shall be on the basis of dormancy participation method. Such kind of German Company equity can only sell back to German Company itself.  The appraisal sale price of the equity must receive responsible investigation.
