

篇二:翻译版权许可合同 (中英文)


  This contract translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune.


  This contract concluded on the date of


  本合同于 年 月 日由 (中方出版社名称、地址,以下简称为:出版者)与 (外国出版社名称、地址,以下简称:版权所有者)双方签订。

  版权所有者享有 (作者姓名,以下简称作者)所著 (书名)第 版的版权(以下简称作品),现双方达成合同如下:

  This contract is concluded and entered into by and between ( the name and address of a China’s publishing company, hereinafter referred to as publisher) and (the name and address of a foreign publishing company, hereinafter referred to as proprietor of copyrights) on the date of .

  Proprietor enjoy the copyrights of the edition (book name) written by (the author name,hereinafter referred to as author ). NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agree as bellow:


  1.根据本合同,版权所有者授予出版者独家许可,准许其以该出版社的名义,以图书形式(简/精装)翻译、制作、出版该作品中文(简体)版 册(以下简称翻译本),限在中华人民共和国大陆发行,不包括香港和澳门和台湾。未经版权所有者的书面同意,出版者不能复制版权所有者对该作品的封面设计,也不能使用版权所有者的标识、商标或版权页。本合同授予的权利不及于该作品的其他后续版本。

  Pursuant to this contract proprietor award publisher with exclusive permission of, in name of publisher, in the form of book (include paperback and hardcover book), translation, making and publish the book in question in simplified Chinese with the copies of (hereafter referred to as version) which issued in the mainland of People’s Republic of China without including Hong Kong, Macao and . Publisher can not, without the permission of proprietor, make duplication of the cover design of the book made by proprietor and can not use the marks, trademark and copyrights leaf. The rights awarded by this contract is without respect to other offspring edition of the book in question.




  2.对于出版18条的规定一次性支付版权所有者费用,版税按翻译本定价的百分之 计算,并以下列方式支付:

  Publisher shall, for the rights of publishing copies, pursuant to the provision of Article 18, effect the payment in lump sum to proprietor. Royalty shall be calculated on the base of % of version price and effect payment by follow means:

  (1)合同签订时支付 美元;

  Effect payment of US Dollar on the date of conclusion of contract.

  (2)翻译本出版时或 日期之前支付 美元,以时间早者为准;

  Effect payment of US Dollar when publishing version or prior to the date of , whichever is the earlier.


  In case of any default by publisher during the performance of contract this sum of money shall not be refunded. Provided that the actual price of version published higher than former evaluation The fees collected by proprietor shall be increased by a certain percentage which being equivalent to the added part of version’s price which will be paid when publishing.




  This contract shall become effective unless and until proprietor receive all sum of money stipulated in Article 2.



  Publisher shall assign a competent translator to assure the accurate translation of the work in question and report the name and qualification of translator to proprietor, could not, without prior written permission of proprietor, omit, amend or add to the work. Proprietor reserve the title to require

  publisher submit the stylebook of version. Publisher can commence printing only having the permission of proprietor.



  Publisher of version should, if appropriate, receive the permission of using copy’s material hold by the third party related original work and effect the payment of such permission or title thereof. Only unless and until proprietor receive the written acknowledgement from publisher and publisher have acquired permission proprietor can provide publisher with copy’s material for reproduction of illustration which include the work.




  如需要,版权所有者负责取得原作品中第三方控制的版权资料的使用许可。对于获得这些许可而支付的费用,由版权所有者再向出版者收取额外的`行政管理费,具体事宜由双方另行协商。 Publisher should insure the quality of printing, paper and binding of version and use best efforts to arrive the highest standard.

  (Options of presentation as follows:)

  Provided always that if publisher should be liable to acquire the permission of using copy’s material hold by the third party of original work. For the payment effected to acquirement of such permission proprietor shall again accept the added administration fee form publisher on which parties could take further consultation of the details thereof.


  7.出版者在翻译本的封面、书脊、护封(如果有的话)和扉页上都必须醒目的印上作者的姓名,并注明原书版权详细信息以及下列声明:“此 (书名)的翻译版由 (外国出版社名称)许可出版”。出版者也将对翻译文本进行版权声明。

  Publisher should, on the cover, spine, pocket (if any) and head page of version, print the name of author and give clear indication of detail information on original book in addition to THE VERSION OF THIS BOOK (TITLE) IS, BEING SUBJECT TO PERMISSION OF ( FOREIGN PUBLISHER), PUBLISHED. The announcement for copyright arising from or related to version by publisher.



  Publisher should, after publishing of version, provide proprietor with copies sample books in free charge and explain the real date of publishing and price of version.

  律师观点: 这条规定翻译本出版后应免费送给外国出版社的样书的数量,并提供出版日期和最终定价等具体信息;万一定价提高而需补付版税,这是有必要的(见第2条)。

