

  4. Institute of electrical equipment used in operating methods and the basic working principle.

  Although this practice is only 3 weeks time, but during that time, the theory for somecommon things, with perceptual awareness, feel benefit.

  Here are some of my summary of the internship period, and their feelings and experiences. To carry out their work in the future, and the future work of great help tome.

  Visit the West Campus, Dongsheng Building and City Hall and linear low-voltagepower distribution room, and the laying of the roof there are weaknesses in the design of some of mine. Now I will explain in detail the building of the lightning protection and grounding

  1. Basic principles:

  Lightning protection design of technical measures should be the existing national standard "lightning protection design of buildings" for Lightning Protection, refer to "Building Lightning Protection Design Standard" corresponding requirements, the use of ball lightning rod protection method, the use of other potential join the most important safety measures.

  2. Anti-cloud-to-measure, should meet the following requirements:

  (1) air terminals using the lightning rod, lightning protection zone (network), or a combination of both, it should be used as a metal roof building air terminals, but should be consistent with regulatory requirements. Containing radioactive material should not be used air terminals. The elimination of other forms of lightning, it should only be used with high pole tower roof was added to our building on. Protrusions on the roof, such as satellite and receiver antenna, holiday lights, aviation obstruction lights and air-cooled unit, the roof should be in the range of lightning protection devices, if not calculated by ball within the scope of protection should be separate lightning rod, with protection, lightning protection device connected with the roof.

  (2) deflectors should give priority to the use of reinforced concrete building columns or shear walls in the main bar, but also should use the building on fire ladders, steel columns, metal chimneys, etc., as deflectors.
