

  【T. S. Eliot(Thomas Stearns Eliot,托马斯斯特恩斯艾略特,诗人、评论家、剧作家,1888-1965):在理想与现实之间,在动机与行为之间,总有阴影徘徊。】(Reid)

  ●Between the desire and the spasm, between the potency and the existence, between the essence and the descent, falls the shadow. This is the way the world ends.——T. S. Eliot

  【T. S. Eliot:在渴欲与痉挛之间,在潜在与存在之间,在本质和传承之间,幕帘重重。这就是世界中止的方式。】(Reid)

  ◎Episode 12: Profiler, Profiled(2006.12.13)

  ●How secrets deep. How secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets.——Cory Doctorow


  ●One tends to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts.——Sherlock Holmes



  ◎Episode 13: No Way Out (1)(2007.01.17)

  ●Evil draws men together.——Aristotle



  ◎Episode 14: The Big Game(2007.02.04)

  ●I didn't have anything against them, and they never did anything wrong to me, the way other people have all my life. Maybe they're just the ones who have to pay for it.——Perry Smith

  【Perry Smith(冷血杀手,与同伙Dick Hickock关系微妙;作家Truman Capote的『In Cold Blood』一书的原型;可参看电影『Capote』『Infamous』):我并不针对他们,他们也没对我犯过错,是其他人这么对我的。也许他们是应该为此偿还的人。】(Gideon)
