


  各位评委老师,各位同学你们好!我演讲的题目是《我爱画画》。Dear judges and my dear mates, my topic today is I love drawing.

  每个人都有自己的爱好,我的爱好是画画。因为画画不像跳舞和弹钢琴那样有规定的内容和动作。Everyone has its hobbies and I'm not an exception. Mine is drawing simply because it's not like dancing and playing the piano with too many things stuck to the rule.

  画画的时候,只要拿起画笔,在雪白的纸上想画什么就画什么,可以充分发挥一个人的想象力。When putting up the colour pencils, I'll draw what's in my mind to my inspiration on the snow-white piece. Because that's my own affair.

  每当我拿起画笔,我就会感到:我是一片树叶,我是流淌的小溪,我是一朵白云在天空中飘动,我是一朵小花在祖国大地上茁壮成长…… This time I feel like being a tree leaf, a flowing stream, a floating cloud in the sky, or a flower growing on my motherland...

  说实话,学画画也不是件轻松的事。Frankly speaking, drawing is not a piece of cake to me.

  虽然画的东西不受限制,却要讲究构图,刻画,色调搭配等等,要做到画什么像什么。通过学习,我可以画很多漂亮的画了。Though the fact is that what we're going to draw is exactly not restricted, it needs designing and thinking and definitely the same as the real one. I'm glad to say that I'm able to create more now through learning to the others.

  班中的黑板报上有了我的用武之地,有什么画画的比赛老师也让我去参加,我还获得过绘画奖状呢!What's more, a wild field is waiting for me. Pictures on the blackboard, drawing competitions, and even trophies for drawing.

  更让给我高兴的是,在学画的过程中我还认识了许多的新朋友。Much to my pleasant, I've met my new friends in the process.

  同学们,画画给我带来了无穷的乐趣。我愿用我手中的画笔描绘出灿烂的明天。希望你们也加入到绘画的队伍。So attention, please. Drawing makes me happy and I'd like to use my colour pencils to make out the beautiful future. Wish you join us! Thank you all. Thank you.
