


  Wind and sun have tanned the growing girl’s(Emerald)skin,her eyes resting on green hills are as clear as crystal.Nature is her mother and teacher...

  Cuicui grew up under the sun and wind,which turned her skin black as could be.The azure mountains and green brooks that met her eyes turned them clear and bright as crystal.Nature had brought her up and educated her……

  小说《边城》中描绘了一群天真无邪的自然儿女,他们充满健康生命活力,这就构成了小说的第二层意境,翠翠就是他们中的典型例子。原文中沈从文用心良苦,许女主人公“翠翠”一名。“翠”字在汉语中含义丰富,一指翡翠、翠玉,寓意珍贵、纯洁和温润,二有翠眉、翠峨等词,指代美人的眉毛或指代美人本身。借含义如此丰富之名字,另加之以叠词为“翠翠”,作者沈从文塑造了一个充满活力、性格温润、单纯美丽的翠翠,让这个形象更加的传神与丰满。戴乃迭将其译作“Emerald”,保留了“翠”所指代的颜色,金介甫索性舍弃了原文的含义,以拼音译之。面对这两个译文,不熟悉中国文化的英译文读者自然不可能联想到以上列出的全部含义,所以要领略作者所创设的深远意境也是不可能的。   (3)月光极其柔和。溪面浮着一层薄薄白雾,这时节对溪若是有人唱歌,隔溪应和,实在太美丽了。

  In the tender moonlight a fine white mist is floating above the water.A perfect time for two lovers to sing to each other in across the stream.(Shen.Et al.,2013,p.152)

  The moonlight was very gentle and a thin white mist floated on the top of the stream.It would have been the perfect time for someone to sing from across the creek,and to be answered from the other side.
