

  change and improve  yourself and start anew.

  (3)In the winter, keep them warm; in the summer, keep them cool. Greet them in the morning to show them that you care. At night

  be sure that they rest well. Before going out, tell your parents where you are going, as parents are always concerned about their

  children. After returning home, see your parents to let them know you are back, so they do not worry about you. Have a permanent place

  to stay and lead a routine life. Persist in whatever you do and do not change your aspirations at will.

  (4)Although a matter may be considered trivial, but if it is wrong to do it or unfair to the other person, do not do it thinking it

  will bear little or no consequence. [4If you do, you are not being a dutiful child because parents do not want to see their child doing

  things that are irrational or illegal. Even though an object may be small, do not hoard it. If you do, your parents will be heartbroken. [5]

  (5)Whatever pleases your parents is fair and reasonable; try your best to get it for them. [6] Whatever displeases your parents, if within

  reason, [7] cautiously keep it away from them.

  When your body is hurt, your parents will be worried. If your virtues [8] are compromised, your parents will feel ashamed. When you have

  loving parents, it is not difficult to be a dutiful child. If your parents hate and you are still dutiful to them, only then will it meet the standards

  of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.

  (6)When your parents do wrong, urge them to change. Do it with a kind facial expression, and a warm gentle voice. If they do not accept

  your advice, wait until they are in a happier mood before you dissuade them again, followed by crying to make them understand why. [9]

  Do not hold a grudge against them if they result to whipping you.

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