

  When you are drunk, your behavior will turn ugly.

  (16)Walk composed, with light and even steps. Stand up straight and tall. Your bows should be deep, with hands held in front and arms

  rounded. Always pay your respect with reverence. [22]

  Do not step on doorsills. Do not stand leaning on one leg. Do not sit with your legs apart or sprawled out. Do not rock the lower part of

  your body while sitting down.

  (17)Lift the curtain slowly, [23] do not make a sound. Leave yourself room when you turn, make sure you do not bump into a corner.

  Hold carefully empty containers as if they were full. [24] Enter empty rooms as if they were occupied. [25] Avoid doing things in a hurry,

  as doing things in haste will lead to many mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficult tasks; do not become careless when a job is too easy.

  Keep away from rowdy places, and do not ask about things that are abnormal or unusual.

  (18)When you are about to enter a main entrance, ask if someone is inside. Before entering a room, make yourself heard, so that those inside

  know someone is approaching. If someone asks who you are, give your name. To answer”It is me” or” Me” is not clear. Before borrowing

  things from others, you must ask for permission. If you do not ask, it is stealing. When borrowing things from others, return them promptly.

  Later on, when you have an urgent need, you will not have a problem borrowing from them again.

  Chapter 4: Be Trustworthy

  (19)When you speak, honesty is important. Deceitful words and lies are not allowed. Rather than talking too much, it is better

  to speak less.

  Speak the truth, do not twist the facts. Cunning words, foul language, and bad habits must be avoided at all costs.

  (20)What you have not seen with your own eyes, do not readily tell to others. What you do not know for sure, do not readily pass

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