小兔子乖乖 故事


  小兔子乖乖的故事主要讲了白兔妈妈走后,大灰狼冒充白兔 妈妈想要进屋吃掉兔宝宝,被兔宝宝们识破,白兔妈妈回来后夸赞兔宝宝聪明机灵的故事。从而表现出了小兔子的聪明。下面我们为大家带来小兔子乖乖的故事,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。


  兔妈妈有三个孩子,一个叫红眼睛,一个叫长耳朵,一个叫短尾巴。有一天,兔妈妈对孩子说:“妈妈要到地里去拔萝卜,你们好好地看家,把门关得紧紧的,谁来叫门都不开,等妈妈回来才能开。” 兔妈妈说完,就拎了篮子到地里去了。




  第二天,兔妈妈到树林里去采蘑菇,小兔子把门关得紧紧的。过了一会儿,大灰狼又来了,他一边敲门,一边用那又粗又哑的声音唱歌:“小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开!快点儿开开,我要进来。” 红眼睛一听,以为是妈妈回来了:“妈妈回来了,妈妈回来了!”短尾巴一听,也以为妈妈回来了:“快给妈妈开门呦,快给妈妈开门呦!”长耳朵一听,拉住红眼睛和短尾巴:“不对,不对!不是妈妈的声音。”红眼睛和短尾巴从门缝里一看:“不对,不对!不是妈妈,是大灰狼。”小兔子齐声说:“不开,不开,我不开!妈妈不回来,谁来也不开。”

  大灰狼着急了:“我是你们的妈妈,我是你们的妈妈!” 小兔们说:“我们不信,我们不信!要不,你把尾巴伸进来让我们瞧一瞧。” “好咧,我就把尾巴伸出来,让你们瞧一瞧。” 小兔子把门打开一点儿,大灰狼就把自己的尾巴伸了进去。嘿!一条毛茸茸的大尾巴。一、二、三,嘭-----小兔子们一使劲,把门关得紧紧的,大灰狼的尾巴给夹住了。


  这时兔妈妈回来了,她放下篮子,一边敲门,一边唱歌:“小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开!快点儿开开,我要进来。” 小兔子听见妈妈的声音,抢着给妈妈开门,抢着帮妈妈拎篮子,还把刚才发生的事告诉了妈妈,兔妈妈高兴地说:“你们真是好孩子。”


  Mother rabbit has three children, one is called red eyes, a long ears, a short tail. One day, the rabbit mother to the child said: "mom to the fields to harvest turnips, you take good housekeeping, closed the door tightly, who treats to all don't open, to open such as my mother came back." Say that finish, mother bunny is carrying the basket to the ground.

  Little rabbits remember mother's words, shut the door tightly. After a while, the Wolf has come, eat rabbit when he wanted to snack, but the little rabbit closed the door tightly, don't get in! The Wolf sitting bunny home, narrowing her eyes, was thinking bad idea, see mother rabbit is back, hurriedly ran to hide behind a big tree.

  Mother rabbit walked to the door and pushed the door and closed the door tightly, is knocking at the door and sang: "little rabbit darling, the gate open! Hurry up open, I want to come in." The rabbit a listen to the voice of mother, cried together: "mom came back, mother came back! They open the door to the mother, and to help my mother carrying a basket. Wow, mom pulled out so many carrots back. Mother rabbit red eyes, kiss kiss, long ear and kiss short tail, kua they are good children.

  The gray Wolf? Hiding behind the tree, secretly put mother rabbit song society. He said: "well, I have a way, is there a way to. I'll come again tomorrow." Then went back to the nest.

  The next day, the rabbit, mother go to pick mushrooms in the woods, the little rabbit closed the door tightly. After a while, the Wolf came again, he knocked at the door, while the coarse and the voice of the dumb sing: "little rabbit darling, the open way! Hurry up open, I want to come in." Hearing this, the red eyes thought is mom back: "mom came back, mother came back!" Short tail a listen to, also think mom came back: "quick give mom open the door, quick open the door to my mother!" A long ear to listen, pull the red eyes and a short tail: "no, no! Not a mother's voice." Red eyes and a short tail from the inside of the door a see: "no, no! No, mom, is the Wolf." The rabbit said: "don't open, don't open, I don't open! Mother didn't come back, who also don't open."

  The Wolf was worried: "I am your mother, I am your mother!" The rabbit said: "we do not believe, we don't believe it! Otherwise, you put the tail into to let us take a look." "Well, I took the tail sticking out, let you see a look." Opened the door a little small rabbit, the Wolf is reached in his tail. Hey! A furry tail. One, two, three, peng -- -- -- -- -- a hard little rabbits, and shut the door tightly, the Wolf's tail to clamp.

  The Wolf pain keep call: "oh, oh, the pain to death me... let me, let me!" Little rabbit left the door loose loose, the Wolf ran away, with tail.

  Mother rabbit is back at this moment, she put down the basket, side door, sang: "little rabbit darling, the gate open! Hurry up open, I want to come in." Little rabbit heard the voice of the mother, mother to open the door, and helping my mother carrying a basket, and also told mom what happened just now, the rabbit mother said happily: "you are good children."

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