


  The doors and worshipped mother

  According to legend, one day, the south China sea goddess of mercy driving xiangyun came to jiangnan, local land father-in-law to meet. Buddha asked: "have the unruly evil here?" Land father-in-law report back said: "little god know, clock home has a man by the name of the doors, the mother is very unfilial. Light scold, or play, the adults are hard to forgive, bodhisattva give attunements at him." Guanyin nodded, driving the xiangyun flew away.

  Doors of a young child, his father died, is mother put him up. He looks like very ugly, big skull, red hair, protruding eyes, fish mouth, whiskers, the body is thick and strong, like a cow a brighter. He is white a knife into the red knife out of the butcher, said he was "see a fear of ghosts". Doors of over 40, haven't marry the daughter-in-law. Therefore, he often complain that his mother would he was so ugly. Mother age, hands and feet not flexible, and attended the doors slightly, not for fierce drink abuse, is kicking. Though is his own son, mother or am very afraid of him.

  The fifth year, it was the time when the village temple worship goddess of mercy. The doors stood on the roadside, to worship goddess of mercy temple, with a glassy stare could not say what it is like in my heart. View sound into an old man, walked to the front doors and smiling asked: "little brother, standing here to stay? Why don't you go to worship Buddha?"

  The doors to see old good-natured, hurriedly replied: "I also want to go to worship goddess of mercy, but every day people kill pig, go not!" Old man said: "the good sincere, don't have to care about, as you called jai since today. As long as the intention to, goddess of mercy is not blame you." Used to listen to the elders say a lot of sense, he wanted to pursue a pilgrimage, on second thought, difficult to say: "can...... have no place to put my butcher's knife." Old man advised: "his knife into shan not have over there." Used to listen to the old man, drop the knife would go with a group of believers worship goddess of mercy.

  About walked ten miles, used to think that to worship the bodhisattva is fault of penance, merit good, and I threw the knife in the shan, if there are cattle pond water, a butcher's knife cut cattle, cattle injured not plow, not to harm the farmer? Also, if there are children under the pond fishing to catch shrimp, is the knife cut the hands and feet, the child's parents how sad? It is sin.

  So the doors hurried back to the butcher's knife in the discarded in shan pulled up, take off the blood-stained apron, the bag is back in his own butcher's knife back, again in a hurry to catch people worship.

  Doors of hungry to day fading, also did not catch up with the crowd on the pilgrimage. Looking after his former jams, the fields dusk, the middle, the middle of nowhere. He can't help but dread in my heart, to speed up the pace. Go less than half an hour, suddenly see there is a cottage, slopes upwards from the inside the light. As he came closer, he saw the door of bamboo weaving a door left unlocked. Gently pushed open the door, he saw a frumpy, behaved middle-aged woman sitting in the square bamboo table, the lamp light is absorbed in sewing.

  Doors of a look, the woman in the whole body emits a peaceful qi, also embarrassed as before to speak gruffly, this is for the first time in his life so whispered: "madame, can I come in to walk, for water to drink?"

  The woman doesn't stop, don't look up, slowly asked him: "what are you from?"

  Used to say: "I'm going to the goddess of mercy temple to worship bodhisattva, don't want to delay on the way, can't catch up with the crowd on the pilgrimage. I don't know my way around the mountain here, did not dare to move on. If sister-in-law can do it, let me spend the night night, at the first light tomorrow I immediately hit the road."

  The woman slowly raised his head and saw the doors that should see a fear of "ghost" shape was not a bit afraid, but very kindly said: "ah, the original is the pilgrims worship guanyin bodhisattva, please come on in. The teapot tea, there are rice in rice steamer, have dishes in the cupboard, you may eat and drink." Hearing this, the doors of joy, repeatedly looking, thanks.

  Such as doors to eat and drink, the woman stood up and said: "the nu house men away business, back in the evening, you will in the bamboo resting on the table." Say that finish, into the inner room lights and rest. Used to listen to the command of the woman, fell on the table will fall asleep in a minute.

  Sleep till midnight, the woman suddenly between, groaning loudly, like a sick. The doors woke to moan, favour ask: "eldest sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Woman said: "I have an old, often upset stomach, don't want to the illness and attack today." Used to ask: "what do you usually eat that medicine, I can help you?" Usual "the woman said," my husband is at home, with the hand rub my belly can pain."

  Doors of a listen to, embarrassed, "eldest sister-in-law, do you know where your husband is? I went to see him back." Woman said: "he doesn't have a fixed place, who knows where he lives in tonight." Say and kept moaning again, listen to the voice, she must be very ill. Doors of nasty doesn't know what to do in the outside, stood at the door, hesitated, thinking: this late at night, only the two of us, how can I enter her room rubbing her belly? Alas! How to do? If she so pain to the morning, or pain is dead? The tao, save a life, than building seven pagoda. Thought of here, he used his quick wits, favour way: "eldest sister-in-law, I have an idea." Said he pushed the door and went in, in his pocket, and took thence worship with Huang Biaozhi said: "I mat on your belly Huang Biaozhi seven layer, and then give you knead abdomen pain. In this way, it won't offend you." The woman see the doors a face of sincere, then nodded in agreement. Used in place of paper, with the hand gently knead. The rubbing, the woman immediately quiet down, slowly close my eyes and fell asleep. Used for a long journey, the body tired, imperceptible flopping in her bed, and fell asleep.

  Wake up, the day has big bright. Used up a look, a woman last night, hut, bamboo bed and stuff... All gone, only their hands holding a Huang Biaozhi, there are words on paper. But he was illiterate, don't know what is written. At this time, just to a scholar like passers-by. The doors upon, to tell the man what happened last night again, and pass him the paper. Show just took the Huang Biaozhi, read aloud a way: "you've come before true Buddha, don't have to be the goddess of mercy temple, or go home worship home that Buddha statue pour shoes."

  I heard that, the doors to know this is a guanyin bodhisattva in enlightenment, and he bowed down to the four winds, KouXie bodhisattva.

  At dusk, heading home doors of nerves, wish: my family in addition to the old mother, bodhisattva for any fall in shoes? Don't guanyin bodhisattva to my house? He thought of his past unfilial to the mother, the in the mind have some regret. If mother said everything, guanyin a angry, oneself do not to be punished? He went to the door and treats muster up courage.

  Saying his mother yesterday to hear people say, the doors also worship goddess of mercy, to three or four days to go home, hear son outside call yourself at the moment, thinking how to come back in two days? It must be him halfway back, the bodhisattva heart honesty.

  At the moment, it was already dark, clock mother just take off their shoes to go to bed going to sleep, son a call outside, scared she are rolled out of bed, my shoes are wearing down. The door opened and the doors bend over to look, mother wearing shoes, know the yellow framed paper written by wearing shoes "bodhisattva" is his mother. So the doors plop 1 kneel in front of mother, repeatedly kowtow, beg for mother's forgiveness.

  From then on, he filial piety mother, did not dare to have any mistakes. To support the old, he still kill pig to make money, but with previous temper. So after the mother in one hundred, the doors to lay down their butcher's knife, another way to earn a living.

  The moment heaven and earth for years. Guanyin in heaven played a nap, woke up suddenly found by her attunements doors have put down the knife, right. So she get Zhong Gushan driving xiangyun, shout woke up the doors, to his forehead. Due to the doors of the plain, and the send is not willing to work with him. Guanyin had to send him back to earth, he was in charge of the monsters, bless the world peace, and the doors become real "ghost see fear".


1.来源于神话故事的成语 英文版







