

  Andy: What should I do? I want to choose Peggy, but I also want to choose Lucy.

  Peggy: Let’s go to the movies on Sunday.

  Andy: Ok!

  Lucy: Let’s go to the movies tomorrow, OK?

  Andy: Sure!

  Andy: Oh~ I’m so happy! There’re two beautiful girls are quarreling over me. Look at them; they have long legs, big chest and charming eyes. I’m so lucky!

  Scene III 偶遇

  (Lucy, Peggy, and Bonnie meet unexpectedly. Lucy and Peggy stare at each other.)

  Lucy: Bonnie, listen to me.

  Peggy: No! Don’t listen to her. Listen to me.

  Lucy: Get away. Bonnie is my good friend!

  Peggy: You liar. She’s my good friend!

  Bonnie: Stop quarreling! Who can tell me what happened? Both of you are good friends, aren’t you?

  Peggy& Lucy: No!

  Bonnie: What happened between you?

  Peggy: Bonnie, I hate Lucy. She stole my boyfriend.

  Lucy: Nonsense. He’s my lover.

  Bonnie: Stop it! It’s no use quarreling about it. You should have a talk. Don’t hurt your friendship over a guy. Friendship is precious. (Peggy & Lucy leave)

  Scene IV 电影院奇遇

  (In front of the movie theater. Peggy is waiting for Andy. Lucy is also waiting for Andy. They see each other.)

  Peggy& Lucy: You…….

  Lucy: Why are you here?

  Peggy: I want to ask you the same question.

  (At this time, Andy arrives; both Lucy and Peggy look at each other in confusion)

  Andy: Good afternoon, ladies!

  Peggy& Lucy: She…., you……

  Andy: Any questions? It’s more fun that we can all go to the movies together. (Andy looks at the watch). The movie will start soon. Let’s go!

  Scoundrel: Don’t move! Give me your money.
