


  翻译71:在一个消费社会里,人们不再满足生活必需品(bare necessities)。

  错误的句子 :in a throw-away society, people are not satisfied with bare necessities any more.

  错误1:throw-away society 这个词伙不对。

  错误2:not … any more 一般是形容量的东西,而no longer强调动作的持续。

  正确的句子:in the consumer society, people are no longer satisfied with bare necessities.


  错误的句子 :The impact on people's cultural level from computer, varies between ages. 错误1:cultural level 表达不对。

  错误2:varies between ages表达不对。

  错误3:the impact from the computer表达不对。

  正确的句子:The impact of computers on literacy skills varies across ages.

  句子结构:主语(impact)+不及物动词 (varies);“of computers on literacy skills”都是定语

  拓展的句子(使用并列句): The impact of computers on literacy skills varies across ages and teachers have mixed feelings on the usage of computers.


  翻译73: 媒体通过夸大受害者的伤痛去吸引观众。

  错误的句子 :Medias exaggerate the hurt of victims to attract public attentions. 错误1:Media本身就是复数。

  错误2:hurt 是动词,OF前后要加名词。


  正确的句子:The media attracts public attention by sensationalising victims’ suffering.

  句子结构:主语(the media)+及物动词 (attracts)+宾语 (attention);“by+ …”方式状语

  拓展的句子:The media attracts public attention by sensationalising victims’ suffering, while ignore harmful consequences bring to them, such as their exposure to the public.

  错误1: while是从属连词,后面不能直接加动词原形。

  错误2 ignore和bring两个动词。

  错误3 them指代不清楚

  正确的句子:The media attracts public attention by sensationalising victims’ suffering, while ignoring harmful consequences to these individuals, such as their exposure to the public. 中文翻译:媒体通过夸大受害者的伤痛去吸引观众,而忽视对这些观众的有害结果,比如将他们在公众面前曝光。


  错误的句子 :Unhealthy lifestyle is the result of trend to rely on science and technology. 错误1:Unhealthy lifestyle 是可数名词,需要加冠词

  错误2:“trend toward doing something”还有“tendency to do something”

  正确的句子:People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology.


  主语(unhealthy lifestyle)+系动词(is)+表语 (the result); “of…”全是定语

  拓展的句子:People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology, because this makes their lives more convenience.


  错误2:because引导的原因状语从句不清晰,到底是解释unhealthy lifestyle,还是解释rely heavily on technology?

  正确的句子:People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology, despite the fact that technology has made their lives convenient and improved their lives significantly.



  错误的句子 :The reason which cause increasely number of community crimes in society is poverty.

  错误1:reason which cause, 从句的主谓不一致,而且搭配不好

  错误2:increasely number副词不能修饰名词


  正确的句子: Poverty is responsible for the crime wave in many communities.

  句子结构:主语(poverty)+系动词 (is)+表语(responsible)

  拓展的句子: Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades, that means people's traveling will become more convenience and safety.

  错误 1: 一般来说是 this means that

  错误 2:become 是系动词,后面加形容词去修饰主语。

  错误 3:safety 和前面 low –cost carriers 没什么联系。

  正确的句子:Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an

  astounding pace over the past decades, and this means that people are tempted to travel more frequently than before.



  错误的句子 :The airline has sharp development in recent decades, with the cost decline. 错误1:in recent decades一般要用现在完成时态,这句话没有

  错误2:“has sharp development”表达比较别扭


  正确的句子:Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades.


  主语(the aviation industry)+不及物动词(developed); “Because of low-cost carriers” 原因状语;“over the past decades”时间状语; “at an astounding pace”程度状语


  错误的句子 :Hunting illegally leads to the extinct of species, as well as, biodiversity is deteriorated.


  错误2:as well as 后面一般加名词,动名词,或者是比较状语从句的分句,很少加完整的句子。

  正确的句子:Illegal hunting leads to extinction of some species and the loss of biodiversity. 主语(Illegal hunting)+及物动词(leads to)+宾语(extinction)


  错误的句子 :Animal experiment is occasionally unable to examine drugs side effects. 错误1:Animal experiment 可数名词,要加负数


  错误3:drugs side effects 没有使用所有格

  正确的句子:Animal experiments fail to detect the undesirable side effects of drugs.


  错误的句子:The invention of electric vehicles is a part of our efforts aiming at preserving the environment.

  错误1:一般是“part of”

  错误2:“effort to do something”更为通顺,在这里

  正确的句子:The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the



  主语(The invention of electric vehicles)+系动词(is)+表语 (part ); “of…”全是定语

  拓展的句子:The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the

  environment, because electric vehicles do not conduct exhaust emission, compared with fossil fuel motors

  错误1:electric vehicles重复

  错误2:conduct exhaust emission搭配问题

  错误3:fossil fuel motors用词不好,MOTOR是马达的意思。

  正确的句子:The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the

  environment because these vehicles create less exhaust fumes than conventional cars. 中文翻译:电子汽车的发明是我们维护环境所做努力的其中一部分,因为这些汽车比传统汽车产生较少的废气。


  错误的句子:Sometimes, it is difficult to evaluate the environmental costs of people’s behaviors.

  错误1:environmental cost在这里用单数就好,因为是在说整个影响,而不是不同的影响。

  错误2:behaviour 英式拼写


  正确的句子:Sometimes, it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities.


  主语(it)+ 系动词(is)+表语 (difficult);而“to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities”不定式充当形式主语。

  拓展的句子:Sometimes, although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities, there is a necessity for the government enacting legislations to restrict some behaviors , which can also arise people's concern about environmental degradation. 错误1:there is a necessity for 别扭

  错误2:arise 不及物动词


  正确的句子:Sometimes, although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities, it is necessary to enact laws to restrict some behaviours.



  错误的句子:Compulsory retirement age will be abolished, and the reason is attributed to population aging and urban.

  错误1:retirement age是可数名词

  错误2:reason is attributed to 这个搭配不好

  正确的句子:the ageing population has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age.

  句子结构:主语(ageing population)+及物动词(prompt)+宾语(countries)+宾语补足语(to raise…)

  拓展的`句子:The ageing population leads to a shortage of skillful workers, a problem which has promote countries to raise the statutory retirement age.

  错误:应该是skilled workers. Skillful表示人们做某事的时候所展示的技艺娴熟

  正确的句子:The ageing population leads to a shortage of highly skilled workers, a problem which has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age.

  注:a problem在这里是同位语,指代前面的shortage



  错误的句子:Schools should allow teachers to make the children with disruptive behaviours go out of classrooms.

  错误:children with disruptive behaviours 略显罗嗦

  正确的句子:Teachers should be permitted to use force to remove disruptive children from the classroom.

  原句:Schools should permit teachers to use force to remove disruptive children from the classroom.

  句子结构:主语(schools)+及物动词(permit)+宾语(teachers)+宾语补足语 (to use force…)

  翻译83: 很多人觉得自己有必要赶时尚。

  错误的句子:Many people think that they are necessary to chaes after fashion.

  错误:人没有necessary这么一说; chase在这里用作及物动词比较好。

  正确的句子:Many people consider it necessary to follow fashion.

  句子结构:主语(many people)+及物动词(consider)+形式宾语(it)+宾语补足语 (necessary); 真正的宾语是to follow fashion.
