



  1、Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China,it is likely that many of them will be born in north western Beijing.(P3,SEFC-SB2B)

  2、One of the mottos for the park-“Relying on science,technology and knowledge to get increase economic power”-makes it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future.

  3、In 2000,Chinese scientists announced that they had completed their part of the international human genome project,proving that Chinese scientists are among the world's best.(P7,SEFC-SB2B)

  4、The breakthrough,made by scientists in Shanghai,gives hope to cancer patients all over the world and makes China one of the world leaders in the battle against the deadly disease.(P7,SEFC-SB2B)

  通过以上句型的分析,我们很清楚地看到三种基本句型的核心要素就是-S,-V和-object或adjuncts。从例句中我们不难看出,再长再难的句子都是围绕这三要素进行展开的,本文把这种规律称作核心要素中心原则(the principle of core-element center)。下面就这一原则在句子信息的扩充和简化方面的运用做一梳理。



  1、If you are looking for a winter adventure and want to try some of the fine stand most challenging skiing in the world,you should try a visit to Kitz buhel.

  2、The spaceship,carrying astronauts Zhai Zhigang,Liu Boming and Jing Haisheng,then moved in to orbitat altitude of 343 kilometers,which is the third time for China’s manned space craft travel since 2003.

  3、However,the important thing we should remember is to treasure and protect Mars,avoiding turning it into another“Earth”.



  如,Monica is a pretty American girl.

  The people the reall like walking on foot.

  Unexpectedly,he left his lovely daughter and his beloved wife.

  第二种,加短语扩充,包括介词结构、非谓语在内的各种短语。如,Monica is a girl with a pretty face and a pair of big eyes.

  All the people there,young or old,quite like walking on foot.

  He left his wife and daughter without a single word.


  Nobody knows why he lef this beloved wife and his lovely daughter unexpectedly,which even puzzles the police agreat deal.

  Everybody can see Monica is a girl with a pretty face and a pair of big eyes.

  It is quite strange that all the people there,young or old,quite like walking on foot however far they will go.

