










Unforgettable Life

  With more than 20 million records sold, and several Grammy awards to show for it, Natalie Cole, the daughter of famous singer Nat King Cole, has made a name for herself in music.

  Along with her great success, however, Natalie Cole has lived in a world of drugs, crime, and failed marriages.

  "I have been to hell and back," she says.

  In the book Angel on My Shoulder, Cole gives us an honest look at the difficult path she has taken, sharing, as well, her successful recovery.

  "Where I'm at now helps me to look back on my life and realize that I've really had quite a colorful and rich life," she says. "I really could have turned out to be a different person."

  As the second daughter of Maria and Nat King Cole, Natalie had as normal a childhood as was possible for a little girl whose father spent much of his time away from home. With hopes of one day becoming a doctor, she left her family in Los Angeles to attend a boarding school on the east coast.But when she was 14, she received some terrible news: her father was dying of lung cancer.Less than two months later, in 1965, Nat King Cole died at the age of 47.        During her college years at Amherst, Cole began to experiment with drugs, though they didn't stop her from joining a music group. She played in small clubs on the east coast, using drugs more and more frequently.

  Without enough money to pay the bills and to support her drug habit, Cole turned to stealing and got into trouble with the law. Eventually, she became so badly affected by the drugs that she decided to quit on the spot.

  She says it was a miracle—the work of an angel on her shoulder. Her drug habit kicked, Natalie's career really began to take off.Only two years after being arrested and almost dying because of drugs, Cole's first record won two Grammies.        In 1976, she married Marvin Yancy, her songwriter and producer.They soon had a son, Robbie, and Cole's life really seemed to be coming together.

  "Marriage to Marvin, and Robbie, was like a breath of pure, fresh air," she says. "I was with a man whom I loved and who loved me... we were just so close."

  Sadly, the marriage wouldn't last. After four years of being drug-free, Cole was once again using.

  In 1983, Cole checked herself into a recovery program, and was finally able to mend the wounds from her difficult past.

  After narrowly escaping death once again, Cole decided to record her father's greatest hits, including the phenomenal success Unforgettable: With Love.

  Cole, who has fought and won many battles to find personal happiness, says "I'm so grateful for the way my life has turned out."








  因为没有足够的钱支付账单和购买毒品,科尔开始偷盗,后来惹上了官司。由于深受毒品之害,她终于下定决心立即戒毒。      她说那是个奇迹——是她肩膀上的天使创造的。戒毒后,纳塔莉的事业真正开始蒸蒸日上。在经历了被捕和因吸毒而差点送命仅仅两年之后,科尔的首张唱片便赢得了两项格莱美奖。

  1976年,她嫁给了她的歌曲创作人兼制作人马文·扬西。他们很快有了一个儿子——罗比,科尔的生活似乎真的是日臻完善。      “与马文的婚姻,以及有了罗比之后的生活,就像是呼吸纯净、新鲜的空气,”她说。“我是和一个我爱的并且也爱我的人在一起……我们亲密无间。”




