










  一学年的时间里,罗斯到哪里都受到欢迎而且很容易和别人成为朋友。她幽默、活跃、爱打扮,并且喜欢成为其他学生注意的焦点。      学期结束时,我们邀请罗斯在我们的橄榄球晚宴上讲话,我永远都不会忘记那晚她教给我们的东西。

  经别人介绍后她走上讲台。就在她要开始事先准备好的演讲时,她把自己那些三乘五英寸见方的卡片掉到了地上。她有点难为情,靠近麦克风,只是说:“很抱歉,我喝多了。这酒快要了我的命!我怎么都没法整理好我的演讲稿了,所以,就让我把我知道的东西告诉你们吧。”我们大笑起来,可她却清了清嗓子,开始说道:      “我们不能因为上了年纪就不玩耍了,不玩耍我们就会变老。








Be Smart Online

  Computers and modems are excellent at connecting us to worlds of fun. But look out you never know who's at the other end of the line.  Criminal Inspector Frank Clark "walks" around shadowy places at night, looking for criminals. But he doesn't do it on foot or in a car.He does it with his computer.

  Part of Clark's job for the police office in Tacoma, Wash., is protecting kids who use computers.With a computer and a modem, kids can go "online" and communicate with other computer users around the world.They can exchange messages, games, and even files containing photographs and voices.

  It's fun.But the danger is that you can never be sure of whom you're talking to online.This can lead to trouble.

  "The problems are very serious," Clark says."You have no idea if the person is playing a role and it could thus be harmful.They could be using false names and say anything they want."

  Most of the problems occur on the major online services. They offer "chat rooms" in which strangers can "talk", along with easy-to-use electronic mail.They also offer parental controls that can be used to monitor and shut down these rooms.

  Such controls are needed all-too-often.Some adults hang out at online chat rooms, pretending to be kids, and trying to learn about kids' interests.They claim to share those same interests, hoping that kids will exchange e-mail with them or even talk on the phone.Often, they try to trick kids into talking about not-so-nice topics.

  The most frightening thing is when they arrange to meet kids in person. In the worst cases, children have been murdered.This happened to a 10-year-old boy in Maryland in 1993.

  Kids can get into other illegal trouble online, as well.

  When "good kids meet bad kids", as it's known, the "bad" kids often take control.

  Doug Rehman, a special officer with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, says this has led to cases in which kids have stolen credit-card numbers and ordered things online.

  "A kid might think, 'I'll try it once to see what happens' ," Rehman says.

  What happens is that, eventually, the kid gets arrested for stealing.  When you get several million people together, as online services do, there are bound to be some strange ones on the loose. This shouldn't spoil your fun, though—as long as you are careful online.

  "I haven't had any problems, nor have any of my friends," says Matt Ellis, a 13-year-old in Scottsdale, Ariz. "If I ever did, I would just log off."

  The experts and kids we interviewed all agree that the benefits

  of being online far outweigh the risks.

  There is no need for alarm, as long as you are aware. Computers are tools, and like any other tool, they must be used with care.Here are some helpful suggestions the experts recommend:

  Keep conversations with strangers to public places online, not in e-mail;

  Don't give anyone online your real last name, phone number, or your home address;

  Don't respond if someone sends you e-mail saying things that make you feel uncomfortable;

  Be careful whom you talk to;

  Never talk to anyone by phone if you know them only online; and

  Never agree to meet someone you've met online any place offline.

  Be smart online and have fun!







  “问题很严重,”克拉克说,“你不知道对方是在扮演哪个角色,这就可能造成很大的危害。他们可能使用假名,信口开河。”      大多数问题都与主要的网络服务有关。除了易于使用的电子邮件外,它们还提供给陌生人可以“交谈”的“聊天室”。此外它们还提供家长监控功能,利用这一功能可以监控或关闭聊天室。



  上网的孩子也会陷入犯法的泥潭。  众所周知,当“好孩子遇上坏孩子”,总是“坏孩子”掌握着控制权。


  雷曼说:“孩子可能会这样想,‘我试一次看结果会怎样。’”     结果是,这个孩子最终会因盗窃而被捕。




  和陌生人交谈要在网络上的公共区域进行,不要用电子邮件; 不要在网上告诉任何人你的真实姓名、电话号码或家庭住址;如果有人给你发电子邮件说些让你不舒服的事情,不要回信; 要留心你在和谁交谈;不要和在网上结识的人打电话;还有 永远不要同意和网上结识的人在现实生活中任何地方见面。

