

  Water resources engineering. Civil engineers in this specialty deal with all aspects of the physical control of water. Their projects help prevent floods, supply water for cities and for irrigation, manage and control rivers and water runoff, and maintain beaches and other waterfront facilities. In addition, they design and maintain harbors, canals, and locks, build huge hydroelectric dams and smaller dams and water impoundments of all kinds, help design offshore structures, and determine the location of structures affecting navigation.

  水利工程学。 土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。 他们的项目用 于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他 滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各 种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。

  Geotechnical engineering. Civil engineers who specialize in this field analyze the properties of soils and rocks that support structures and affect structural behavior. They evaluate and work to

  minimize the potential settlement of buildings and other structures that stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth. These engineers also evaluateand determine how to strengthen the stability of slopes and fills and how to protect structures against earthquakes and the effects of groundwater. 岩土工程学。 专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性 进行分析。 他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降, 并采取措施使之减少到 最小。 他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地 下水的影响。 Environmental engineering. In this branch of engineering, civil engineers design, build and supervise systems to provide safe drinking water and to prevent and control pollution of water supplies, both on the surface and underground. They also design, build, and supervise projects to control or eliminate pollution of the land and air. These engineers build water and wastewater treatment plants, and design air scrubbers and other devices to minimize or eliminate air pollution caused by industrial processes, incineration, or other smoke-producing activities. They also work to control toxic and hazardous wastes through the construction of special dump sites or the neutralizing of toxic and hazardous substances. In addition, the engineers design and manage sanitary landfills to prevent pollution of surrounding land.

  环境工程学。 在这一工程学分支中, 土木工程师设计, 建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水, 同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。 他们也设计, 建造并监视工程以控制甚至消 除对土地和空气的污染。 他们建造供水和废水处理厂, 设计空气净化器和其他设备以最小化 甚至消除由工业加工、 焚化及其他产烟生产活动引起的空气污染。 他们也采用建造特殊倾倒 地点或使用有毒有害物中和剂的措施来控制有毒有害废弃物。 此外, 工程师还对垃圾掩埋进 行设计和管理以预防其对周围环境造成污染。

  Transportation engineering. Civil engineers working in this specialty build facilities to ensure safe and efficient movement of both people and goods. They specialize in designing and maintaining all types of transportation facilities, highways and streets, mass transit systems, railroads and airfields, ports and harbors. Transportation engineers apply technological knowledge as well as consideration of the economic, political, and social factors in designing each project. They work closely with urban planners, since the quality of the community is directly related to the quality of the transportation system.

  交通工程学。从事这一专业领域的土木工程师建造可以确保人和货物安全高效运行的设施。 他们专门研究各种类型运输设施的设计和维护,如公路和街道,公共交通系统,铁路和飞机 场, 港口和海港。 交通工程师应用技术知识及考虑经济, 政治和社会因素来设计每一个项目。 他们的工作和城市规划者十分相似,因为交通运输系统的质量直接关系到社区的质量。

  Pipeline engineering. In this branch of civil engineering, engineers build pipelines and related facilities which transport liquids, gases, or solids ranging from coal slurries (mixed coal and water) and semiliquid wastes, to water, oil, and various types of highly combustible and noncombustible gases. The engineers determine pipeline design, the economic and environmental impact of a project on regions it must traverse, the type of materials to be used-steel, concrete, plastic, or combinations of various materials-installation techniques, methods for testing pipeline strength, and controls for maintaining proper pressure and rate of flow of materials being transported. When hazardous materials are being carried, safety is a major consideration as well. 渠道工程学。在土木工程学的这一支链中,土木工程师建造渠道和运送从煤泥浆(混合的煤 和水)和半流体废污,到水、石油和多种类型的高度可燃和不可燃的气体中分离出来的液体,

  气体和固体的相关设备。 工程师决定渠道的`设计, 项目所处地区必须考虑到的经济性和环境 因素,以及所使用材料的类型——钢、混凝土、塑料、或多种材料的复合 ——的安装技术, 测试渠道强度的方法, 和控制所运送流体材料保持适当的压力和流速。 当流体中携带危险材 料时,安全性因素也需要被考虑。 Construction engineering. Civil engineers in this field oversee the construction of a project from beginning to end. Sometimes called project engineers, they apply both technical and managerial skills, including knowledge of construction methods, planning, organizing, financing, and operating construction projects. They coordinate the activities of virtually everyone engaged in the work: the surveyors; workers who lay out and construct the temporary roads and ramps, excavate for the foundation, build the forms and pour the concrete; and workers who build the steel framework. These engineers also make regular progress reports to the owners of the structure.

  建筑工程学。土木工程师在这个领域中从开始到结束监督项目的建筑。他们,有时被称为项 目工程师,应用技术和管理技能,包括建筑工艺,规划,组织,财务,和操作项目建设的知 识。事实上,他们协调工程中每个人的活动:测量员,布置和建造临时道路和斜坡,开挖基 础,支模板和浇注混凝土的工人,以及钢筋工人。这些工程师也向结构的业主提供进度计划 报告。
