

  there is the lien shan system,

  there is the kuei tsang

  and there is the system of changes of the chou dynasty,

  such are the 3 systems wh! ich elucidate the changes.

  有典谟 有训诰 有誓命 书之奥

  there are the regulations and the counsels,

  the instruction, the annoucements,

  the oaths, the charges,

  these are the profundities of the book of history.

  我周公 作周礼 著六官 存治

  our duke of chou,

  drew up the ritual of the chou dynasty,

  in which he set forth the duties of the six classes of officials;

  and thus gave a settled form to the government.

  大小戴 注礼记 述圣言 礼乐备

  the elder and the younger tai,

  wrote commentaries on the book of rites.

  they publish the holy words,

  and ceremonies and music were set in order.

  曰国风 曰雅颂 号四诗 当讽咏

  we speak of the kuo feng,

  we speak of the ya and the sung.

  these are the four sections of the book of poetry,

  which should be hummed over and over.

  诗既亡 春秋作 寓褒贬 别善恶

  when odes ceased to be made,

  the spring and autumn annals were produced.

  th! ese annals contain praise and blame,

  and distinguish the good from the bad.

  三传者 有公羊 有左氏 有彀梁

  the three commentaries upon the above,

  include that of kung-yang,

  th at of tso

  and that of ku-liang


  人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远

  Men at their birth,

  are naturally good.

  Their natures are much the same;

  their habits become widely different.

  苟不教 性乃迁 教之道 贵以专

  If follishly there is no teaching,
