

  “And can I obtain rest for you in the grave?”

  “Yes,”it answered him.

  “And how?”

  “ Give me a hair, only a single hair, from the head of the sinner whose fire will never be quenched,the sinner whom God will thrust down into everlasting punishment.”

  “Yes, so easily can you be set free, you pure and pious soul!”

  “Then follow me!” said the departed.“It is so vouchsafed to us. By my side you can float whither your thoughts will;unseen by men we stand in their most secret 438corners, but with steady hand you must point to the one consecrated to everlasting pain, and before cock-crow he must be found.

  And quickly, as if carried by thought, they were in the great town;and from the walls of the houses shone in letters of fire the names of the deadly sins:Pride,Avarice, Drunkenness, Self-indulgence,in short, the whole seven-hued rainbow of sin.

  “Yes,in there, as I thought,as I knew,” said the priest,“dwell those who are destined for eternal fire.”And they stood before the gorgeously lighted portal, where the broad stair was decorated with carpets and flowers,and dance-music sounded through the festive halls.The footman stood in silk and velvet with silver-mounted stick.

  “Our ball can compare with that of the king,” said he, and he turned to the crowd on the street; from top to toe the thought shone out of him,“Poor pack, who stare in at the portal, you are common people compared with me,all of yon!”

  “Pride,” said the departed one.“Do you see him?”

  “Yes, but he is a simpleton, only a fool,and will not be condemned to everlasting fire and pain!”

  “Only a fool! sounded through the whole house of Pride; they were all “only fools”there.
