新标准小学英语四年级上册Module2UNIT1《I helped my


新标准小学英语四年级上册Module2UNIT1《I helped my mum》说课


  1)学生能四会单词:wash, help, finish, clean,以及知道他们的过去式;

  2)学生能正确认读功能句a. I cleaned my room .

  b. I washed my trousers.

  c. I helped my mum .



  1. 初步感知过去式的'正确用法;

  2. 学习生词wash, help, finish, clean,知道并会用他们的过去式;




  Step 1 Warm up:

  1. Sing a song.

  T: Are you happy today? If you are happy, let’s sing the song “If you are happy”.

  2. Guessing game.

  T: Well done. Sit down please. This time let’s do and guess.


  Step 2 Presentation:

  1. Yesterday.

  (1) PPT:

  T: Look, this is a calendar, today is …? How about this one? It’s …

  Yesterday. Now read after me: yes-ter-day. 师重复几遍。

  (2) T: 拿着卡片让学生开火车读。

  2. 初步感知动词过去式。

  T: Yesterday I was very happy, because yesterday was my birthday. Let’s look and listen what did I do?

  T: Do you want to listen again。

  T: What did I do yesterday? 师引导I played in the park. What else?

  PPT: 根据学生的回答来显示图片。

  T: Excellent. Now let’s read them together.

  3. 简单用。

  T: I was very happy yesterday. What did you do yesterday?


  T: Oh. You did lots of things yesterday. Now let’s read them together.

【新标准小学英语四年级上册Module2UNIT1《I helped my mum》说课】相关文章:

1.《I helped my mum》教学反思

2.外研社四上《I helped my mum》教学反思范文

3.《I often help my mum》教学反思

4.英语Module7 Unit1 I helped Mum教学反思

5.《I often help my mum》教学反思范文

6.外研社英语四下unit1I helped mum教学反思

7.四年级下册《I helped Mum》的教案

8.《I often help my mum》的教学反思范文

上一篇:MY Friend中小学英语作文下一篇:《Unit1 How can I get there》第一课时教学设计