



  例1 Produce from the area was used to 31 the people of London. (《剑6》Test 1 Section 4第31题)

  分析 通过题干中was used to的结构,考生很容易推测出空格处应填入动词,听录音时的定位词可以选people或主语produce。Produce作名词时意思是“农产品,产品”。录音中提到下面这句话:“… consisted of farmland with crops and livestock which helped to feed that population.”在此处,考生会发现题干中的people与录音中的population进行了近义词替换,而produce在这里没有重现也没有近义词出现。但在这句话中,考生却发现了crops and livestock(庄稼和牲畜)这个表达,换句话说,类别词produce在这里被两个具体的例子替代了。这便是类别词替换的一大特色。考生在做题时,如果发现题干中有概括性的类别词,那么要注意想想属于该类别的例子都有哪些,对应的单词是什么,以帮助自己适应可能在录音中出现的类别词替换形式。这种类别词替换在选择类题目中经常出现,如下例所示。

  例2 Dr Merrywhether thinks Antarctica was part of another continent because ___________

  A. he has done his own research in the area.

  B. there is geological evidence of this.

  C. it is very close to South America. (《剑7》Test 2 Section 3第26题)

  分析 这道题目问的是“Dr Merrywhether认为南极洲曾属于另一个大陆是因为什么”。在录音中,考生可以听到Dr Merrywhether提到:“… because fossils and rocks have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places such as Africa and Australia.”在这里,fossils and rocks代指了选项B中的类别词geological evidence,而places such as Africa and Australia替换的是题干中的another continent。在这道题目中,无论是题干还是答案,都用类别词与录音中的表述进行了替换。类似的替换形式在选择题中还有很多,可以参考《剑7》Test 3 Section 4中的选择题去复习这类替换。
