

  The 20xx National Survey of Family and Household (NSFH) showed that 78% of adults view their relationship with their mother and father as excellent. Only 0.03% of those surveyed viewed that relationship as “bad”. The remainders were ambivalent in their perception of their parents. This finding is confirmed by much older studies of the same phenomenon also conducted by the National Survey of Families and Households.

  Of those surveyed, 66% contacted their parents once a week or more and only 10% did not contact their parents at all. In part, this is a product of the distance at which adult children live from their parents. The 20xx survey showed that 67% of adult children live within 100 miles of their parents and that 38% live within ten miles of their parents. However, a full 20% of those surveyed live 1,000 miles or more away from their parents.

  1.According to the passage, the relationship between most American old people and their adult children is


  A. terrible and distantB. annoying and difficult

  C. great and closeD. neither good nor bad

  2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “diverge” in paragraph 1

  A. differB. meetC. existD. transfer

  3.From the passage, we learn that ______.

  A. generation gap becomes invisible if old parents and adult children live separately

  B. relationship between parents and children has become much better than before

  C. some old parents would rather die because their children are annoyed at them

  D. living far away may lead to people’s less or no contact with their parents

  Quite often, no matter how good you are, your success is dependent on how other people such as your boss, peers, clients and customers perceive your communication and responses. So when you come to people who make the key difference between helping you or holding you back, how can you influence and persuade them to give what you want.

  Psychological research repeatedly show that people generally make up their minds on whether to help or hinder you based on whether they like you or not. It is human nature. What can you do about it You need to make a good impression on others to ensure they like you and give you what you want. Research again shows that people give opportunities to the people they like best. In fact, most people actually make up their minds about other people in the first five minutes or less of meeting someone. These are called first impressions or “moments of truth.”

  Once they make up their minds, they tend to be very reluctant to change their opinions. You hardly have room for error when making that first impression on a new acquaintance. Therefore, whether you are applying for a job, going for an interview, attending a meeting with your boss or peers, or serving a customer, you need to prepare yourself mentally and rehearse how you will manage the first few minutes of your interaction. This includes doing your homework to gather information and researching all possible issues so you will know how to address them should the other party raise them unexpectedly.

  It is amazing how poorly some people can come across at the beginning. The worst thing is that they do not even seem to realize it. Having good qualifications and an excellent work performance does not excuse candidates from trying to make good first impression.

  1.What is the passage mainly about

  A. Making a good first impressionB. People making the key difference

  C. Winning strategies for a job interviewD. Persuading people to like you

  2.Which of the following is the way by which people tend to decide whether to like other people or not

  A. They make quick decisions

  B. They prefer people who are experienced

  C. They change their opinions frequently

  D. They pay much attention to good qualifications

  3.Which of the following strategies might help in an interview according to the author

  A. Ask the interviewers for homework to do.

  B. Know as much as possible about the situation.

  C. Show your friendliness and confidence.

  D. Do something unexpected to impress interviewers.

  4.What will probably be talked about in the next part of the passage

  A. Questions that might be asked by the interviewers.

  B. Examples of how good first impressions help people succeed.

  C. How to win over people who don’t like you at first.

  D. Some practical advice to help making a good first impression.


  People who love to spend time in their kitchen know that after having a rough day it helps them to relieve stress. Cooking up a favorite meal helps you forget about any of the issues you were focused on during the day. 1. Spending time alone in the kitchen after a long day at work allows you to simply recharge and enjoy the solitude of your kitchen.

  Cooking can be a great way to put off a daily task, and those who love to cook know this all too well. Putting all your effort into making an elaborate meal or your favorite dessert is a great way to avoid anything that you have been dreading.

  2. Anyone who enjoys cooking knows that when you share a common interest like cooking with someone from a different culture, you can easily form a bond. They see this as an amazing opportunity to share recipes and dishes and learn from different cooking traditions and customs.

  Eating out as a cook allows you to taste surprising ingredients in dishes. 3. Unusual flavors excite you and unique interpretations of dishes have you asking the waiter exactly what was added to make the food so flavorful. This might not excite your non-cook friends and family, but for you, it’s a great way to learn and improve. 4.

  5. As a cook, you have learned to add your own personal tastes to recipes through extensive trial and error. There are no limits for you when it comes to putting a new take on a traditional favorite, because, for you, cooking is all about creation.

  A. Going out to eat becomes a whole other experience.

  B. Instead, you concentrate on creating something delicious.

  C. Cooking is also a universal language.

  D. Moreover, cooking plays an important role in family life.

  E. It is also likely to potentially inspire you to try to cook the meals in your own kitchen.

  F. Mastering cooking skills helps you to become creative with food.

  G. Cooking makes you a happy and popular person.


  Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope for the future and wanted to make a ______ in the world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that. That’s ______ I learned about the Lighthouse Project.
