


  This implies that nearly everything has been packed/taken/removed. For instance, if someone said: “The thieves stole everything but the kitchen sink!” it meant that they took everything they could carry; it’s damned hard to remove a sink and carry it around.

  这指的是无所不包。例如,如果有人说:“The thieves stole everything but the kitchen sink!”指的是贼把能搬的东西都搬走了;很难卸下水槽并随身携带。

5. “Over My Dead Body”


  When the only way you’ll allow something to happen is if you’re no longer alive to stop it.


6. Tie the Knot


  To get married. This is left over from the old tradition of handfasting, wherein the hands of the bride and groom would be tied together with a length of ribbon to symbolize that their lives were fastened together permanently.

  结婚。这是从婚约的古老传统遗留下来的,新郎和新娘的手用缎带系在一起, 代表他们的生活永远地系在了一起。

7. Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover


  Things aren’t always what they appear to be at first glance, so it’s a good idea to give something a chance, even if its outward appearance isn’t immediately attractive.


  *The exception to this might be actual books that have hideous covers: those tend to be terrible all around, and in cases such as these, it’s best to contact the author or publisher and recommend a good graphic designer.

